Chapter 3

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Erik's POV

What I found was saddening. A note on the table. This can't be good. I picked up the note and began to read it. Erik, I have decided to go and live on my own. I'm not far. I also have my reasons. Don't think we won't see each other again, we will... just not now. I love you my baby. Love, Mom. As I scanned the page my eyes started to water. I couldn't believe it. She was the last person in the day that I could be happy to see. I still have my girlfriend, but I never felt anything with her. It wasn't going anywhere. In fact, I was planning to... break up. Dump is a harsh word. And don't be mad at me, if you met her you would understand. So, I have no-one. My dad left, now my mom left, and my girlfriend just isn't... right for me. Sighing, I trudged up to my room. There was always one thing that calmed me down. Singing. I just wasn't in the mood though. As I sung my voice cracked and I stopped. Laying down in my bed I buried my face in the pillow and started to cry. Everything was ruined. Hey guys! I'm sorry that the chapter is short, I don't have that much time right now. Bye!

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