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"Why didn't you brag that you have such a beautiful girlfriend?"

"Why didn't you brag that you have such a beautiful girlfriend?"

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"You didn't have to come for me, I could have managed on my own," objected Caiji as Zhou approached her. They were at the airport, precisely at the baggage claim, because Caiji had just landed at the Bahrain airport. It was Friday today, which meant Zhou had two practice sessions behind him, yet he still sacrificed and came to pick up the girl at the airport.

"Believe me when I say I didn't want to drive for you, and I'd rather be rolling in the bathtub or bed right now, but Jianhong almost threatened me that I had to come for you," the black-haired boy rolled his eyes and without a word, grabbed the suitcase the girl had.

"I understand he wants us to look like a couple, but what girlfriend would want her tired boyfriend to come for her?" the brunette didn't understand. Zhou looked tired, but it could also be because today in the car, he lost about three kilos, thanks to driving for an hour in almost 60 degrees.

"You sort that out with Jianhong," Zhou said and walked off towards the exit. Caiji just shook her head and followed the black-haired boy, who would be her boyfriend for the next few months.

"Get used to it," Zhou whispered to her, which the girl didn't understand at first, but when she felt his hand in hers, she understood. There were a few fans and paparazzi outside, so their little lie began earlier than both hoped.

His palm was warm, unlike hers, which was cold as ice. It wasn't usually this cold, but the air conditioning in the plane was turned up, and Caiji is more susceptible to temperatures than most people. It was warm in Sakhir, so she wasn't surprised that the boy's hand was warm.

"You're as cold as ice," Zhou noticed.

"The air conditioning was on in the plane," she explained, "I'm sensitive to temperatures."

The boy nodded understandingly. He stopped, causing the girl to stop as well. He put the girl's suitcase on the ground and took off the black bomber he was wearing because the night desert weather in Sakhir was cold - just like any other desert.

"Put this on, or you'll catch a cold," he handed her his jacket and once again grabbed the suitcase. Caiji didn't object, silently thanked him, and put on the jacket, which was visibly too big for her, then interlocked fingers with Zhou again.

Both knew very well that this small moment when Zhou gave her his jacket was being filmed by more than one fan, and within a minute, it was on Instagram and Twitter. Fans could tear their hair out over how cute this new couple was.

They reached the car Zhou had borrowed, and Caiji, as a proper girlfriend, waited for her boyfriend to open the door for her. However, he first placed her luggage in the trunk and only then opened the passenger door and helped Caiji inside - by offering her his hand as she sat down.

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