Chapter Fourteen: Memory Lane 🛣️

Comenzar desde el principio

"You l...liked me back then?!" I gasped, feeling my face heating up. "Duh." He smiled, "How- What- Why-"

Soarin cut me off by kissing my cheek, "Shut up, already." he chuckled and walked over to my door. "And by the way, ignore Seashell, okay?" he added and exited the room. I silently nodded in response.




W h a t

Now I'm confused! I thought I didn't like him–




Whatever, anyway. I think I need to somehow gain my memories back. I can't live like this forever. What could jog my memory...?

Soarin didn't work, my friends didn't work. Since Soarin is apparently 'my boyfriend' I could ask him about some places we went, I guess? Ugh, I don't know!

How about a walk down memory lane?

Memory– what?

Walk to some of your favorite places, and see if they jog your memory.

You know, for once I think you're being helpful brain!

Wow, okay. I see how it is...

I changed into a black hoodie and some denim shorts. I headed out of my room and surprisingly, I couldn't find my mom anywhere around the house... Strange...

I shrugged it off and headed to CHS first, even though it was winter break I was sure I could walk around campus. Not inside obviously... On my walk, I saw my mom in front of Soarin's place talking to his mom. Huh, so that's where she was. I wonder what they're talking about... Also, where the hell is Fire Streak? I feel like I haven't seen him in like... Well forever! Maybe he's at work or something...

I eventually arrived at campus and nothing popped into my head. I walked around some more, and the school felt so... Empty. Kinda sad school starts again next week though... I decided my next location would be the park. I happen to have a lot of cool and epic moments there. I saw the soccer field me and my friends once all played on.


Damn it. This is hard! How the fuck am I going to job my memory?!

What place will help me remember...?

"The answers you seek, child. May not be a place, but rather an object."

"W...What? Who's there?! I know karate, and I'm not afraid to use it!" I yelled turning on every direction, the voice startled me to my core.

"It is I...


I turned around to find myself standing in front of a woman, she looked a few years older than me. "Ah! Jeez, don't creep up on me like that, dude." I sighed, "You are seeking answers... For your lost memories, child...?" She walked closer to me, examining me. "Yes, how'd you know? And what do you mean it could be an object...?" I asked her, "Come child. Come to my home, all will be explained there..." She gestured for me to follow her.

Despite the high level of danger I could be getting myself into, I followed 'Zecora' who was wearing a white dress, with gold accents. She also had wavy black hair and some gold jewelry.

Yeah, cause it's not dangerous to be following a stranger to their house...

Shut up.


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