Zeke finally decided to have Asher ride on his back the rest of the way up.

Asher: I'm seriously beginning to lose all feeling in my limbs.

Zeke: Can you calm down? We're almost there.

Meanwhile, Enoch and Rubble were investigating Zeke and Asher's campsite from the night before. Enoch was investing the charred logs from the fire and smelling the ashes. Then he went towards the lake.

Enoch: You found anything yet?!

All of a sudden, the water bubbled and the waters rose and turned into a being which turned into Rubble in his water form. A bunch of fish swam around in his form.

Rubble: Just fish.

Enoch sighed, not liking the answer.

Enoch: Anything besides the fish?

Rubble didn't say anything but pulled one of the fish out and opened its mouth to reveal a piece of cloth from Asher's jacket. Enoch pulled it out and sniffed it.

Enoch: All that can indicate is that the little short stack took a swim with the fishes.

He stroked the material and noticed some glittering dust on it.

Enoch: However, the residue that covers this provides us better evidence.

They both looked to the mountains as Rubble shook all the fish out and turned back into himself. 

(What Enoch did was using a scanner in his mechanical eye to scan the dust from Zeke's guitar and it leads them to the origin, which is up in the mountains.)

Enoch: And when we get there, they are resi-"due", for a beatin'.

He then laughed at his own joke.

Enoch: See what I did there?

Rubble: Naw, not really.

Enoch glared at his brother.

Enoch: Are you fo' real, right now? Why is it every time I try to be funny, you always ruin it by bein' stupid?

Rubble: I ain't bein' stupid. I'm just--

Enoch: (having enough) Forget it. Forget it! C'mon, let's hit it.

Meanwhile, Zeke finally made it to the top of the mountain with Asher on his back.

Zeke: We made it. There it is.

Asher didn't respond because he was frozen and covered in icicles. He shivered and the ice and snow fell off of him. His hands, however, were frozen to Zeke's back. He had trouble pulling them off and he finally fell off.

Zeke: Asher, look.

Asher stood up and they both walked up to the edge of the mountain to see the village before them. It was nothing but a ruin covered in snow that law bellow a cluster of trees and cliffs.

Asher: There it is. We found it.

Then they cheered, laughed, and danced.

Zeke: So, that's it? We did it?

Asher: Well,  not yet. We still have to find a way down this mountain.

He said as they both looked down the valley.

Zeke: You know, I couldn't have done this without you, so thank you. 

Asher looked at him.

Asher: What? What for?

Zeke: Y'know. For everything.

Asher: Naw. Thank you.

Zeke: For what?

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