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After waiting half an hour the next class day for the bus to take me back to the dorm, I was not in a good mood. I shifted my heavy backpack on my shoulder and almost dropped it when I heard a deep voice behind me.

"I bet the number four bus comes first," Tae said, nonchalantly like his presence didn't just make my heartbeat go a million miles a second. Suddenly my bad mood lifted with the sight of him. He looked effortlessly handsome in his mustard yellow and burgundy retro bowling shirt and dark blue jeans.

"I bet the number seven comes first," I disagreed just for the sake of disagreeing.

"Loser has to take the stairs up to our floor," he challenged.

I nodded in agreement with the bet. When the #7 bus arrived a few seconds later, I stuck out my chin and showed him a proud face for being right.

We chose two seats in the front of the bus and sat down, our shoulders touching slightly. He leaned across me to open the window and I caught a whiff of his Irish Spring scent. Silently, I took a deep breath to let his fresh smell fill my lungs.

"Sunny, the other night-" he started.

"I'm sorry I messed up in Spades. Oh my gosh! When are people gonna let that go?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest and rolling my eyes.

Tae chuckled. "No, not that. I wanted to ask you if you were in JK's room that night."

Why was he curious? Did the fact that I was in another guy's room have an affect on him? Could this be the catalyst for him to reveal his feelings for me...if he has any feelings for me?

"Yeah. Just for a bit. He's in my math class. Why?"

"Because I had to write him up for illegal possession of alcohol. I could tell by looking in his room he had some friends over, but I only caught him holding a bottle when he went to put it in the recycling container."

A serious look washed over Tae's face and I mentally smacked my forehead with my palm. Of course, stupid. He wanted to know if you were drinking not if you were with another guy!

"I'm not gonna lie to you, Tae. I was drinking too. I've never had a drink so I wanted to try it for the first time," I said nervously, playing with the strap of my backpack.

"I appreciate your honesty, Sunny. But I just wanted to know if you were in his room."

I dipped my head in understanding but still a bit confused about the motive of his question. Desperate to change the subject, I told him I had read his article on the college news blog. As he talked about the topic, I tilted my head and followed every word. I found it very interesting to hear someone with conservative views who backed up his beliefs with facts and evidence. I was in awe of his intelligence. Keeping my mind open, another thing I vowed to do at college, I asked him questions and listened until the bus reached the dorm.

Once we came to a full stop, Tae sprinted off the bus making me run after him. "Remember you have to take the stairs!" I yelled, taking the last step onto the ground.

"I know that's why I'm running," he called over his shoulder.

I wondered why he was in such a hurry as I entered the lobby and pushed the call button for the elevator. A moment later I was on the fifth floor. Since his room was on the way to my room, I paused in front his door, as it was slightly ajar. I caught him with a remote control in hand directed at the TV, a Korean couple instantly appearing on the screen.

"Hey," I said with a huff, pushing the door fully open. "You made a judgey face when I said I watch Hallmark movies."

Tae's eyes were on me for a split second before they were back on the TV. "K-dramas are far superior than your hokey romance movies," he stated with a hint of smugness.

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