Capítulo 46

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"When did it start?" Stevens asked.

Regulus changed the direction of his gaze to her, and then to where she was looking, which was the Gryffindor table.


"Wood and Weasley"

He wouldn't say he was surprised by the closeness of Wood and Percy Weasley , they were always together in his class, mainly because they were the only boys in his year at Gryffindor. This made them friends for the entire time they were at Hogwarts, even with their different personalities.

Regulus also knew that the woman beside him was referring to how they behaved with more intimacy and at the same time shyness around each other than in the past. The fact that there is no speculation about the two is surprising , even if Regulus prefers it that way, the boys don't need the weight of the whole school's eyes on them.

"Well, Wood and the twins..."

"I'm not talking about the twins," she cut him off, turning to him.

"Well, there are several of them now, as I might have known."

"Don't play dumb," she accused with a frown as she stopped herself from poking him. He smiled back.

"Since that storm last November."

There was a storm a few weeks before the snow started. Regulus doesn't know what happened, and part of him has no interest in finding out, but since that day the dynamic between the two boys has changed slightly. What happened between them, Regulus can't say, but he's already caught Wood looking at Weasley, while the redhead was answering a question in his class, with the same gleam in his eye as when he talked about Quidditch.

"I thought the redhead was with Clearwater."

"I don't know anything else," he said, shrugging.

The chair next to Stevens scraped lightly against the stone floor, drawing their attention. Remus was sitting there silently, looking shy.

Regulus couldn't blame the man for being so down, he'd had to fend off a dementor and travel from London to Hogwarts with the other students , it just seemed like a big headache, not to mention that the night before was a full moon. The wolfbane potion could alleviate the effects of the transformation into a werewolf and keep the human mind in the animal body, but it was still completely exhausting.

Regulus can't even imagine what it's like to go through this, and Lupin has been doing it since he was a child.

"What are you doing?" the blond man asked as quietly as they had been talking before .

"Nothing," Regulus replied at the same time as Stevens.

"Talking about other people's lives."

"Stevens," the brunette scolded.

"It's true," she said, looking at Regulus and shrugging, then turned to the other man, "you find out very quickly that teenage drama is fun to watch. Especially when we're not involved."

Remus, with a frown, just nodded at her. Stevens smiled childishly and turned to the children.

The usual hubbub among the students fell silent as the doors to the Great Hall opened and McGonagall and her flock of first-years entered. Then the selection began.

"Would you like to enter the bet?" Stevens asked Lupin.

The confused man stared at her for a few seconds.

"I... I don't have any money," he replied, his cheeks marked by red scars.

"Oh, we don't bet money," she replied lightly, pointing with her thumb at Regulus, "he doesn't need any more coins in that safe of his." Regulus rolled his eyes, still paying attention to the selection, "We bet assignment help."

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