8 Rodent Recall

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Nate bolted as fast as his legs could carry him, his heart pounding in his chest. Sinister squawks and shrills echoed behind him, growing louder and more raucous with each passing moment.

A menacing flock of herons surrounded him, closing in like a pack of predators on their prey. Nate's face was a mask of terror as he dodged and weaved, barely escaping their razor-sharp talons and beaks with each swoop.

But Nate had a mission and he wasn't going to let anything get in his way. Clutched tightly in his hand was the precious seed milkshake he had come for. He would do anything to protect it, even if it meant putting himself in harm's way.

As he ran, chaos erupted around him. The clueless cashier had taken his order, setting off a frenzy of enraged birds that turned the store into a tornado of flapping feathers and screeching cries.

Nate's heart and legs screamed for him to stop, but his determination drove him forward. He had to make it back to his period before time ran out.

Finally, it happened. With a burst of light, Nate was teleported away just as a heron swooped in for the kill. He barely had time to catch his breath before he found himself back where he belonged, the milkshake still safely in his grasp.

Nate arrived back at the park just as the sun was casting a warm golden glow across the sky. It was a lot to be used to and Nate's eyes were so used to the dark atmosphere from where he previously was, that suddenly being bombarded by the blinding light was a static shock.

After a while, he took in the serene view of the pond stretching out before him. The tranquil waters reflected the beautiful hues of orange and pink, creating a stunning visual display. Soon, the sun would dip below the horizon, making way for the moon to illuminate the sky with its silvery glow, and the twinkling stars would come out to decorate the deep blue canvas of the night.

Maybe then it would hide the awful lime colours of the atrocious contaminated water. There was a little island there with a bridge where you could go for panics and feeding ducks. That is, of course, if you book an appointment. These days, you would have to make a reservation by simply going into others' property. It's that or being ambushed by gruesome geese. Right now, Nate could see one marking its territory, looking around before landing back in the water. Another, about a foot high, still roamed the place menacingly down at the kiddy pool, along with his little army taking over the playground.

The peaceful ram triumphantly plopped down on the bench, panting heavily after the adrenaline-fueled chase that he had just experienced. The sudden shift from fearing for his life to basking in the warm sun and sipping on a delicious smoothie felt surreal and almost comical. This bizarre turn of events seemed to perfectly encapsulate the strange and unprecedented nature of Nate's current situation. It was hard to believe that a person of his age could be caught up in such an extraordinary adventure. From his vantage point, he could see his little sister being ambushed by a gang of geese out of the nearby ice cream shop, wailing loudly.
Nate howled. Serves her right.

"I thought I might see you here."
Nate suddenly woke up to the sound of a harsh voice that he knew all too well. As he slowly opened his eyes, he hoped his suspicion was correct, and it was Katrina who had woken him up. He was relieved to see her standing there, her face twisted into a scowl, but at least it wasn't someone he didn't know. He imagined how she might have seen him, lying there, free from the chains of the education system. However, as he looked around, he began to question whether he truly believed in his previous statement. After all, he was just five minutes away from Cornelius Park, and perhaps he wasn't as free as he thought he was.

"Hey." Nate waved. "You're a sight of sore eyes."
"You could say that." Katrina snapped.
He finished the last of his smoothie and chucked it in the bin near him. He missed and he wasn't in a hurry to rectify it, so Katrina did.

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