Part 3: Rosalie Hale

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Chloe's POV-

"My name is Rosalie Hale, it's nice to meet you." The blonde beauty, Rosalie, introduced herself, lifting her hand slowly for me to grab. "Uh, yeah, hi Rosalie, yes I'm Chloe" I smile, taking her hand in my own to shake it. Her hand was cold, stone cold. It didn't bother me exactly, for some reason, I just felt concerned. "I've heard good things about you from Alice and Emmett, thought I'd come and introduce myself." Rosalie says quickly, almost like she knew I was going to ask about the temperature of her hand. She hasn't let go of my hand yet, I realised. I looked down at our connected hands, they weren't gripped firmly, just loosely hanging onto each other. It made my cheeks burn up, I hoped they didn't look red, more importantly, I hope the goddess that is Rosalie Hale didn't notice it. Unfortunately, the small chuckle I heard escape her lips told me that she did, infact, notice.

"What's so funny...?" I ask cautiously. "Your cheeks are red, they're burning up..." she smiled, not maliciously, it didn't seem like she was making fun of me, more like she genuinely enjoyed seeing me look flustered.

She let go of my hand, making my face drop slightly in disappointment, she noticed this too. "Can I walk with you?" Rosalie asked. "Huh...?" I reply, still slightly dazed. "Can I walk with you to the front of the school?" She asked again. "Sure... wait, how did you know that's where I was going?" She was already walking ahead of me by now, leaving me to catch up. She looked back at me over her shoulder, a small smirk playing on her lips, "lucky guess" she said, simply.

I struggle to keep up with her pace without running, Christ this woman is fast! "So, which class have you got next?" Rosalie asked me, glancing at me. "Oh, I'm done for the day, my next two periods are free... I have to stay here and wait for my sister to finish though." I explained, I was about to tell her I planned on just waiting in the school library, but she spoke before I could. "You don't have a car?" She asks, confusion evident in her tone. "Oh, no, I do. It just hadn't been shipped from Arizona yet." I answered.

"Do uh... do you want a ride home? I have a free period now and I don't feel like going to biology last period." Holy cow. Rosalie just offered to give me a ride home.... In her car! "Oh, wow... are you sure? I'm more than happy to just wait unti-" Rosalie cut me off, "nonsense" was all she said, before she grabbed my wrist and dragged me off to the parking lot.

Ad she dragged me I could feel her grip on my wrist loosening gradually, until she dropped it. I thought she was just letting me walk on my own now, I was wrong, of course. Rosalie's hand had dropped from my wrist and was now intertwined with my own hand. Still dragging me behind her. I couldn't help the fluttery feeling I had in my heart when I was holding her hand.

We came to an abrupt stop in front of Rosalie's car, in fact I bumped into Rosalie when she stopped and I almost ricocheted off of her and onto the ground, but Rosalie caught me. She now has a firm grip on my hip, holding me in place. How did she react so quickly? "You should watch where you're going." Rosalie smirked, god her smirk... I've just met the girl but oh my...

My train of thought was interrupted when Rosalie told me to get in, she was holding the passenger door of a red Mercedes convertible open. "THIS is your car!?" I half-announce, half-question. "Yep!" Rosalie says, popping the 'P' as I get into the car. She shuts the door behind me and walks swiftly to the driver's side and gets in. "I see... you're like... RICH-rich..." I say, emphasis on the 'rich'. Rosalie laughs, a real, genuine laugh. I didn't think what I'd said was that funny, but hey, if that's what made her laugh then I'm glad I said it, her laugh is beautiful.

"I don't think I've ever been described as 'rich-rich' before." Rosalie tells me as she reverses from the parking spot. We sit in a comfortable silence for a moment while Rosalie navigates the car out of the parking lot.

"So" Rosalie began, "you said you were from Arizona? What made you move away from the sun?" She asks, I'm not sure if she really cared about the answer, or if she was just trying to make conversation, but I answered anyway. "My mom married our step-dad Phil a little while ago. He travels a lot and mom had to stay behind and watch me and Bella. It made her miserable, so we agreed to stay with dad, here. In all honesty, I don't really like the sun anyway... too hot, at least when it's cold you can just wear more layers, can't do anything about the heat. The gloominess of Forks is actually pretty nice anyway, I haven't explored far yet, but the views I've seen so far are beautiful!" I rambled, I didn't notice I was rambling until I looked over at Rosalie to see her looking right back at me, a glint of amusement in her eyes. I smiled at her, she smiled back.

That's when I noticed she's driving, and she hasn't looked at the road in a while. "Keep your eyes on the road!" I yell, grabbing onto the handle that sits above the door. I keep my eyes glued to the road ahead. "Hey don't worry, I'm a great driver." Rosalie says, her eyes are on the road again now, but only because I wasn't looking at her. My heart was Jack-hammering in my chest. "Calm down, I won't let us crash. I'd never let you get hurt..." She whispers the last part, but I still heard it. I try to calm down, I use my breathing exercises that my therapist taught me a few years ago. They aren't working.

I feel Rosalie's cold hand on my own, holding it firmly. I feel myself calm down at Rosalie's touch, not enough though. I look down at Rosalie's hand, hoping to distract myself. Her hands are pale, much like her face and like her adopted siblings. Her fingers were long and slender, red polish painted on her nails, slightly darker than the red of her car.

Feeling calm again, I look up at the road once more, only to see Rosalie had pulled over, she was watching me play with her hand, a shy smile on her face

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Feeling calm again, I look up at the road once more, only to see Rosalie had pulled over, she was watching me play with her hand, a shy smile on her face. "Better?" She asks, her voice was soft, calm. I nodded, preparing for her to take her hand back, only she didn't, instead she pulled my hand to her face, kissed the back of my palm, and started to drive again. Her hand stayed in mine for the rest of the journey, I shouldn't feel like this, this ain't a movie.... It's not 'love at first sight' or anything ridiculous of the sort... but I can't help it. I feel safe, it's stupid, I know that. I barely know the girl, she could be some psycho-killer for all I know. But deep down, I know that's not the case. Something about Rosalie Hale is drawing me in, and I am all for it.

So tell me when you hear my heart stop // Rosalie HaleWhere stories live. Discover now