•Chapter 2

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Later that day, Yuki and Jeshie went to school together. They are on different sections.


They only spend time every recess. They also go home together.

But this time, it was different.

When it was home time, Yuki went to Jeshie's Classroom.

"Jeshie? Can I talk with you?" He said.

Jeshie went up to him and hugged him.

"What is it love?" she said with a soft tone.

"Can you walk home alone today? Me and the boys are gonna go drinking tonight. I might also come home late." He said with a neutral tone.

"Are there any girls? You know i dont want you going with your friends when there are girls around. Especially when you guys are drinking tonight." She said with a worried tone.

"Dont worry honey." He said as he kissed her forehead.
"I assure you that theres no girls and only boys. And even if there is, Ill stay away from them. If they approach me, Ill say that I have a girlfriend and I love her so much." He chuckles.

"This is why I chose you! I love you so much~!" She said as she kissed him.

He kissed him back
"Ill go now sweetie. Come back home safe, alright?" He said in a soft hush as he walked away.

Jeshie went home alone that time.

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