Chapter 5

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Trigger Warning: Hijacked Airplane

Kassidy arrived on campus to see that classrooms were bustling and that she needed to find their dorm before Arianna arrived. It didn't take long before someone noticed her with that sparkle of fame in their eyes. Kassidy rolled her eyes.

"Are you that girl from Maryland who proposed to that white girl and she proposed in return?" The young girl asked who looked to be about her age.

"Yeah, and you are?" Kassidy asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I am Luna. Luna Black. They made a big announcement of your engagement and no idea where you were headed to college. Didn't know you would both be attending a college with your hobbies." Luna replied.

"Luna, we are both artists hoping to get degrees enough to earn ourselves our own business though that would take business courses too. Also, nice to meet you. I am Kassidy Robertson and Arianna Kirkland will be here later today. We had to take separate flights due to this fame." Kassidy expressed feeling herself wanting to hide.

"Oh, OH! Do you need to find your dorms? I can help you and we can meet Arianna later, not unless she is coming here?" Luna replied with excitement in her voice.

Looks like I got a friend, Kassidy thought to herself.

"Sure, Luna. Where do we go? Arianna should be here around 1 p.m. or 2 p.m. depending on the landing schedule. We could grab lunch while we wait." Kassidy responded.

Kassidy followed Luna as they made their way through the crowd. It was all Kassidy could do to message Arianna about her new friend. Honestly, she wanted to get to her dorm, so she could set up the scene of romance that would hopefully engage a bit more of their relationship. It was a risk but she knew if they were gonna get married, Kassidy had to get past the strictness of holding hands and kissing. Living the Christianity life isn't what she expected to grow too but not knowing if she would like to make love to the same-sex has always bothered her. Kassidy knew she wanted Arianna, that has never fated from her mind and it was a matter of time if they would reach that point.

"Here we are. Looks like you have most of the room setup. I'm gonna go see my roommate, I will catch you for lunch and to meet Arianna." Luna said as she patted Kassidy's shoulder.

Kassidy thought to herself that she didn't set up their dorm not unless her dad hired someone or Lisa did. She texted Lisa to ask her but then thought better of it and decided to get her luggage put away then head to the local store for some non-alcoholic drink, chocolate, stuff for dinner, and flowers. She wanted to give Arianna a big surprise. After an hour of putting everything away, she looked at the clock realizing that she needed to head to the store since Arianna could arrive at any moment though the plan was to get her but Arianna is known to surprise her too. Kassidy grabbed her backpack that had her purse in it, locked the dorm, and headed down to meet her taxi driver to take her into town.

It took well over an hour to get to her destination, then she had to hurry inside the store to get what she needed, then went through the quickest line to check everything out and then head back to the taxi to get back on the road. It was one thing not being there for Arianna, not having anything setup is going to get her soon and she doesn't have much time left. Before she made it to the dorm a message from Arianna startled her.

I've landed though it looks like I am stuck in the plane for a while. There is something going down and I hope you made it to the airport, I am missing you. We shouldn't have taken separate flights. I am not liking this one bit. Please, please get me off this plane.

Kassidy decided to have the taxi driver take her to the airport where she came from hours ago and step on it because her girlfriend needed her. The taxi driver took the highway and put the pedal to the metal. It wasn't long before law enforcement was flying past them, heading the same way. Kassidy had to hold back her tears that something was about to roll her life. Her phone went off again from Arianna.

Baby, please I need you. Don't let these people hurt us here. Are you here?

Kassidy replied urgently letting her know that she was on her way to the airport and for her to hold on, don't let them see her. She didn't understand the mess that was going down at the airport but it wasn't good. The taxi driver turned on the road as an urgency of a plane being hijacked looking for Arianna Kirkland knowing she took the flight but her girlfriend was nowhere in sight. The taxi driver pulled over and looked at Kassidy.

"Tell me, you didn't just leave the woman that you love on a plane by herself?" He asked nervously.

"Her mom thought taking separate flights would be smart. I didn't expect this to go down, honest." Kassidy replied, shaking and unable to handle herself without breaking down crying.

It dawned on Kassidy, it is the fame and popularity surrounding them. They shouldn't be in California and back in Maryland with Lisa because of what was to come. The driver put the car in drive and soon made their way to the airport where it was surrounded by law enforcement that made Kassidy get out of the car urgently when an officer stopped her.

"You can't go in. We can't let outsiders in." She said gently.

"My woman is in there. She is on the plane that is being hijacked because of our damn engagement. This is so ridiculous. We want to live in peace." Kassidy replied through tears.

"What is your name and hers?" The lady asked.

"Kassidy Robertson and Arianna Kirkland." Kassidy replied, wiping at her tears.

The officer radioed everyone in her force and beyond that the reason for a hijack at random. It took time for them to slowly get people off the flight and leave Arianna in her seat since that was who they wanted. Kassidy couldn't understand why these people would want her sweet Arianna who is no longer a harm to anyone. It took Kassidy contacting her dad in Maryland to convince the evil men to let Arianna go and that they get help. Kassidy watched for Arianna to come through the doors, she waited.

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