Start from the beginning

Jason's expression grew serious as he considered Roy's question. "Damian is indeed bonded to Nanda Parbat and the Infinity Island," he confirmed, his tone grave. "His Al Ghul blood gives him access to magic, but it also ties him to those specific locations. As long as he stays away from the ley lines targeted by Chorozone's child, he should be safe."

"Your brats might be safe, but there are many who are still in danger," Constantine reminded them. "We better start working, because we needed a plan like yesterday."


Seo-joon stepped into the library of Nanda Parbat Academy for Magic, a familiar sense of awe washing over him as he took in the grandeur of his surroundings. The beauty of the architecture never failed to impress him, with its soaring ceilings and intricate carvings. As he wandered deeper into the library, he marveled at the shelves and books that move of their own accord, rearranging themselves to accommodate the needs of the students. It was a sight that never failed to captivate him.

But it was the sheer variety and number of magical texts housed within the walls of the library that truly left Seo-joon breathless. From ancient Egyptian scrolls detailing long-forgotten spells to grimoires written in Latin believed long gone during the witch-hunts, the library held a treasure trove of knowledge that seemed to span the breadth of human history. He ran his fingers over the spines of the books, feeling the weight of centuries of magical wisdom contained within their pages. Each volume held the promise of untold secrets and hidden truths, waiting to be unlocked by those bold enough to seek them out.

As Seo-joon's fingers traced the weathered pages of an ancient tome, his heart heavy with anticipation and a hint of anxiety. He was entering his fifth year at the academy, a pivotal moment in his magical education. Soon, he would sit for a series of subject-specific standardized tests, designed to measure his mastery of magic to the standard level expected of any competent wizard.

Seo-joon couldn't shake the feeling of frustration that gnawed at him from within. Halfway through the academic year, he found himself on the verge of pulling his hair out in sheer frustration. The pressure to excel weighed heavily on his shoulders, threatening to crush his spirit with each passing day. The scores he achieved on these tests would determine whether he would be allowed to continue his education in the more advanced classes of each subject in his sixth and seventh years. It was a make-or-break moment, one that would shape the trajectory of his magical career.

But despite his frustration, Seo-joon understood the importance of these tests. Magic was not something to be taken lightly—it was serious and dangerous, especially in the hands of those who lacked the necessary skill and knowledge. The tests served as a crucial safeguard, ensuring that only those who were truly proficient in the art of magic would be allowed to continue their studies in the more advanced subjects.

As he pored over his books, Seo-joon was reminded of the countless hours of study and practice that had brought him to this moment. Each spell, each incantation, had been painstakingly mastered through trial and error. He poured over his books with a single-minded determination, each page a puzzle to be solved, each spell a challenge to be mastered. Yet, despite his efforts, he couldn't shake the feeling that he still hadn't reached the same level of immersion as his best friend, Billy.

Billy Head was practically a fixture at the library now, his presence as constant as the rising sun. Seo-joon couldn't remember the last time he saw Billy anywhere else—he seemed to live and breathe the dusty tomes that lined the shelves, always surrounded by towering piles of books that he claimed as his own.

Seo-joon couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern for his friend. Billy had confided in him years ago about the tense atmosphere at home at times, but he had always seemed eager to return home by the end of the day. However, the sight of Billy and his younger brother, Damian, taking up residence in the dormitory for the past week had set off alarm bells in Seo-joon's mind.

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