She put her arm around him and held him tight, "You're coming back to us. To all of us."

They sat together in silence for a little while longer before Serkan got up and began to gather the plates. Aydan thought to broach another subject, "Selin is back from vacation in a few days, what are you going to do about her?"

Serkan looked at his mother, "Do about Selin? What do you mean do about her? She's an employee of the company and that's all," he walked away into the kitchen, this was not a conversation that he wanted to have with his mother. He had made the mistake of turning to Selin in shared grief, at least he thought that it was shared grief. They had started to have sex but he knew that it was wrong, he repulsed himself and pulled away from her, not completing the act. Every message that he sent to her was that it was a mistake not to be repeated.

Aydan followed him into the kitchen, "I think that she is hoping to begin a relationship with you Serkan. Not that I don't think Selin loved Alp, she did and still does but I think a part of her always was waiting for you."

He braced his hands against the counter, "She can wait forever on that, I'm not interested in her, I never have been. Even if she hadn't been with Alp I still wouldn't be interested in Selin." He wanted to leave it at that but his mother persisted.

"Couldn't you give it a try Serkan? I think that you two could be good together and Selin seems to think the same."

"No. I'm not attracted to her and nothing is going to change that. We are very different people, Selin and I . . . . . "

"But Serkan . . . . . " his mother began.

"I'm trying not to be crude anne but I don't see Selin as compatible in any way, mentally, physically or sexually. Let it go," he walked out of the kitchen leaving his mother staring after him. Selin had been so sure that Serkan would be interested in a relationship, Aydan had cautioned her that she couldn't swap one brother for the next but Selin had been adamant. Aydan was aware that Serkan was just as determined that he wanted nothing to do with the young woman. She hated to be stuck between them but Serkan was her son and she would support his decision.

Serkan headed upstairs to see what the children were doing and found them all clustered in Defne's room, he eavesdropped, "I don't trust these people. They seem to pretend that they have money but remember father did the same."

Emir broke in, "But he says that he owns this house Def. . . . ."

"So did father and look what happened to us all. We need to be careful. Ebbie, you need to behave, understand? No tricks, no wandering off, understand? And you Emir, no volunteering information."

He felt bad for the trio, they had obviously been through difficult times but Serkan wondered what secrets they were still hiding. He knocked on Defne's door, "May I interrupt your family meeting?"

They all stared at him and said nothing so he continued, "Tomorrow I will be going into the office and have hired a nanny for you. I would appreciate if you didn't chase her off on the first day," he tried to inject some humor in his statement but they were unimpressed.

"Are you all in for the night?" still with the stares, "Well I will help you then since you don't seem inclined to answer. Ebru it is time for you to go to bed, Emir, you can stay up a little later, same with you Defne. I know that you don't know me, but I will do my best for you all and I would hope that you afford me the same consideration." They still said nothing so Serkan bid them goodnight and headed back downstairs to his mother and Seyfi.

Sitting next to Seyfi and leaning back on the sofa Serkan let out on a sigh, "I sure hope that this Ayfer woman that is coming tomorrow has a thick skin. Those are some tough kids."

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