2 - He's Paranoid

Start from the beginning

"But what?" WRRF raised an eyebrow. He was already starting to feel a sense of dread fill his stomach with what Ukhta was about to say next. "It's just that..." Ukhta paused again, hesitating to continue. "What is it?" WRRF pressed, feeling more and more anxious. "Well..." Ukhta hesitated again, seeming unsure how to continue. "You see..." Ukhta further paused "Just tell me, Ukhta. What's wrong with her?" WRRF barked, feeling angry at this point from all the suspense.

"She's just... Acting strange." Ukhta admitted, shrugging. "You know the Vichy regime, sir, they're all deceptive liars, how do we know... she isn't one of them? maybe even from Amur?" Ukhta asked.

WRRF was now becoming even more worried, upon hearing Ukhta's suspicions. "You think... France is possibly a Spy? Or that Amur or the Germans send her." He asked in disbelief. "She's been acting suspicious, always wanting to keep to herself, going on strange walks... Its not out of the realm of possibilities" Ukhta listed a few examples of her strange behavior. WRRF rubbed his temples in concern. "Dang, Ukhta, now you got me worried... considering the shit i told her." WRRF responded. Ukhta raised a brow. "Wait, what did you tell her, sir?" Ukhta asked. "None of your business, Ukhta." WRRF responded.  WRRF's mind was now racing, wondering if it was wise to have confided in France. If she was a Spy like Ukhta suspected, then he had told her all about his work, his plans, and secrets - information that could be used against him. WRRF felt foolish, and tried to think of ways to amend his mistake. "I don't think there's anything to worry about." He said, trying his best to stay calm. "I doubt she's a Spy, or that she's colluding with the Germans or Amur." Ukhta leaned back. "What was her goal again? returning back to Paris, right? What if she just lied to you, instead of wanting to go back, she only wants to send information back?" Ukhta asked. "I suppose that's also a possibility." WRRF thought about it. "But if she was such a skilled Spy, why would she be so silent about it? Wouldn't she wanna push more information about me?" "Maybe she's playing dumb, thinking we would never think to accuse such an innocent girl." Ukhta said. "First of all, I think we all know she's not innocent..." WRRF paused, before continuing. "Well then, there's one way to find out." WRRF stated, finally feeling like he had an idea on how to tackle this issue. "Sir?" Ukhta calmly asked. "Yes?" WRRF raised an eyebrow, wondering what Ukhta would ask next. "What did you tell her that's so important?" Ukhta asked, curious. WRRF blankly stared at him, slightly annoyed. "None of your business, thats what." WRRF repeated his answer. Ukhta simply gave him the side eye. "Sir, your acting really suspicious right now." WRRF felt the guard's gaze upon him, and he felt a bit uncomfortable under his gaze. He felt the pressure of not wanting to tell the guard anything, but at the same time, he knew the guard wouldn't leave him alone until he got an answer. "Fine." He spoke through a sigh. "I told her about some... certain things, related to my work..." WRRF admitted, reluctantly.

"That is raising more questions than answers, sir." Ukhta explained. "You two like... got anything between you or something?" Ukhta continued.

"I- wh- you-" WRRF was caught offguard by his words. "What the hell are you talking about?!" WRRF asked, slightly taken aback.  WRRF's face quickly turned red, his face tensing up at the suggestion that he was involved with... anything with France. He started to deny the guard's accusations, but was too confused at the moment to form proper words. "No- no... Nothing like that..." He stammered, his mind racing and unsure what to say next. "Well, I'm just saying, if she does happened to be a spy then your-" Ukhta was about to say but was quickly shut up. Ukhta quickly stood up, noticing the intense glare of WRRF's eyes towards him. He had the feeling he touched a nerve, and that he was on thin ice with WRRF at the moment. "I doubt both of your suspicions are true, especially the second one! get out of my office." WRRF demanded. He gave a quick nod of his head, leaving the office. WRRF watched as the guard left, still feeling rather worked up from the accusations of having something between him and France. He sighed, and sat back down on his desk, rubbing his temples. He had a lot to ponder on. "I swear to god these guards are gonna be my end one day..." WRRF muttered to himself, still slightly embarassed.  WRRF let out a frustrated breath, shaking his head in annoyance as he thought of the guard's audacity to suggest that he was involved with anything. He thought back to the encounter they had earlier, when France questioned him about his confession at the church. He felt slightly ashamed that she knew about it, and now the thought of the guard's accusations made him wonder if she was going to use that knowledge against him. He felt a slight tinge of panic and paranoia rise inside him. "Damn these guards..."

𝕭𝖔𝖓𝖚𝖘 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙

"Oh?" France was slightly amused by Plesetsk. "He thinks I'm a spy?" France asked as she looked at Plesetsk. "That's what he seemed to imply, yes." Plesetsk answered, standing at the doorway. He looked at France with a suspicious gaze. "I think he might be worried about your intentions."

"Typical." France scoffed. "Always assuming I'm up to no good." She said with a smirk. "Does he know I'm talking with you about it right now?" France asked. Plesetsk nodded left to right. "He does not; he told me specifically not to talk to you about it." Plesetsk answered, confirming her suspicion.  France laughed quietly, feeling somewhat amused by the situation. She was enjoying seeing the guards being so suspicious of her and their little theories.

"He's been pretty paranoid lately, hasn't he?" France said, rolling her eyes slightly. "Yes, I'd say so." Plesetsk agreed, still watching France closely. France chuckled. "...Well~ I rather die than work with the Germans as a spy, but I think it's still funny how he thinks i work for them even after i expressed my hate for the Germans." France explained. "He doesn't particularly like Germans... or Amur." Plesetsk responds. "Who the hell is Amur?" France asked. "Can't disclose that." Plesetsk shut down her questions. France raised an eyebrow, feeling amused by the way Plesetsk wouldn't explain who Amur was. "Oh, is that so?" She teased.

"What is Amur? Some kind of secret intelligence agency?" She asked jokingly.

"Can't disclose that information." Plesetsk repeated.

"Ah, the mystery deepens..." France said with a chuckle, her curiosity piqued. "Either way, I'm gonna continue acting suspicious for now." France said her intentions out loud. "Why?" Plesetsk asked. "It's funny seeing them being paranoid over me~" She purred. "Wow, your more narcissistic than i thought." Plesetsk jokingly responds.

France smirked a little, feeling amused by the way she could toy with their emotions.

"Of course, I have to keep them on their toes." She said with a giggle, a bit of smugness in her tone. "Oh, you have no idea." France continued as she leaned against a wall, her arms crossed in front of her. She looked towards the guard with a playful grin. "I can't wait to see what their next theory is gonna be..." She calmly pondered. "I suggest you don't test your luck too much, they might actually think your a spy." Plesetsk responds.  France lets out a small scoff, feigning as if she was offended. "A spy?" She repeated dramatically, letting out a laugh.

"Me?" She continued, acting as if she was the most innocent being alive.

"Why, what a shocking accusation!" France said in an over exaggerated tone.

"But I know they'll never be able to truly find out what the truth is..." She said sarcastically, with slight smugness. "You know if they convict you of being a Spy, they're gonna shoot you?" Plesetsk asked. "I'm aware; I'm not actually a spy though, just playing a little joke, if you may." "Hmm..." France paused, thinking about what Plesetsk said for a moment. "But would they actually shoot me?" she asked, a bit worried at the prospect. She knew that being accused of being a spy carried a very harsh punishment, but she never thought that it would be something as severe as a death sentence. "Depends on how generous my boss is." France let out a small sigh, feeling a bit relieved that WRRF may not necessarily be out to shoot her right now. "Well, I don't think he wants to shoot me currently, so I should be fine." She said, letting out a small giggle. "Since your not a actual spy, you should be good." Plesetsk reassured her. France nodded, feeling slightly more at ease after that little reassurance. "Well, that's good to hear." She responded, a bit of relief on her tone. She looked at the guard for a moment, before her expression suddenly changed to one of curiosity. "But you said something interesting..."

"You said 'Depends on how generous my boss is'..." france pointed out, a slight frown on her face. "What did you mean by that?" She raised a brow as she asked that. Plesetsk sighed. "You wouldn't know, since he's been oddly nice towards you... but he's bit of a cointoss. Its a long and sad and miserable story." Plesetsk explained. France's interest was now fully piqued. She liked hearing stories from the guards, and this was one that seemed particularly interesting. "Oh, I see..." She said, raising an eyebrow. "Well, I'm actually kind of curious to hear the story, if you don't mind." She asked. Plesetsk sighed once more. "Well..."

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake" -Napoleon Bonarparte

(Cliffhanger, cause fuck you, that's why)

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