Unspoken Truths

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Chapter 3: Unspoken Truths

Back at the base camp with the rest of the 100, tensions simmered beneath the surface, threatening to erupt like a volcano ready to unleash its fury. Bellamy's jealousy of Finn hung heavy in the air, a silent storm brewing within him as he struggled to contain the tumultuous emotions raging in his heart.

Finn's easy charm and effortless charisma grated on Bellamy's nerves, each smile, each laugh, a reminder of the closeness he shared with Clarke - a closeness Bellamy longed for but could never have. And as they moved about camp, their interactions punctuated with terse exchanges and icy glares, it was clear to everyone that something was amiss.

"You're unusually quiet today, Bellamy," Raven remarked, her keen eyes catching onto the tension between him and Finn. "What's going on? Clarke's been asking about you. She's noticed a spike in your, um...activity with the other girls around camp. She found it concerning."

Bellamy's jaw clenched, his fists tightening at his sides as he struggled to find the right words. "Just focusing on the task at hand," he replied, his voice clipped and devoid of warmth.

But Raven wasn't fooled by his deflection, her gaze piercing through his facade to the storm raging within. "Is this about Clarke?" she asked, her voice soft with understanding.

Bellamy's breath caught in his throat at the mention of her name, his heart clenching with a pain he couldn't ignore. "It's none of your business, Raven," he snapped, his frustration boiling over as he turned away from her, unable to face the truth of his feelings.

Meanwhile, Clarke observed the tension between Bellamy and Finn with growing unease, her heart heavy with guilt at the role she unwittingly played in their feud. She knew she had to do something to diffuse the situation before it escalated further, but she was at a loss as to how.

As night fell and the camp settled into an uneasy silence, Clarke found herself drawn to Bellamy, her heart aching with the weight of the unspoken truths between them. She approached him cautiously, her voice soft as she tried to bridge the divide that had formed between them.

"Bellamy, we need to talk," she said, her tone gentle as she reached out to touch his arm.

But before she could say another word, Bellamy rounded on her, his eyes blazing with emotion as he bared his soul to her in a moment of raw vulnerability. "Why do you even care who I sleep with, Clarke?" he demanded, his voice laced with bitterness. "I'm not yours, remember?"

Clarke's heart shattered at his words, the truth of his pain hitting her like a punch to the gut. "Bellamy, I-"

But before she could finish, Finn intervened, his own jealousy and resentment bubbling to the surface as he confronted Bellamy, his fists clenched at his sides.

"What's your problem, Bellamy?" Finn spat, his voice dripping with hostility. "Can't stand the thought of anyone else being with Clarke?"

Bellamy's temper flared at Finn's taunts, his fists balling at his sides as he squared off against his rival. "Stay out of this, Finn," he growled, his voice low and dangerous.

But Finn refused to back down, his own anger fueling the fire burning between them. "Or what?" he challenged, his voice dripping with defiance.

In the heat of the moment, Bellamy lashed out, his fist connecting with Finn's jaw with a sickening thud. The camp erupted into chaos as Clarke rushed forward, desperate to break up the fight before it escalated further.

"Stop it, both of you!" she cried, her voice filled with anguish as she pushed herself between them, her hands outstretched in a futile attempt to keep them apart.

But it was too late. The damage had been done, and as Clarke looked into Bellamy's eyes, she could see the pain and regret reflected in their depths. "I love you, Clarke," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I can't be with you, not like this. Not when you're still holding onto him."

And with that, he turned on his heel and walked away, leaving Clarke standing there, stunned and heartbroken, as the truth of Bellamy's feelings echoed in her ears, a painful reminder of the unspoken confessions that threatened to tear them apart.

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