Chapter 11

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The walk back to car was me saying I told you so on repeat. Oleg and Roland gave up trying to stop me. A few younger werewolves were laughing merrily as they listened to my childish banter. As we approached the car I saw a zombie. I was about to obliterate him when the wind pushed his scent into my nose. This was a human pretending to be zombie. I asked him to remove the make up since there are those who are traumatized by these beasties. If they see him they would happily shoot him without hesitation. He was about to show me the middle finger when a bullet grazed his ear. He screamed like he had seen lion. He dropped face down and placed his hands on his head. A few policemen arrived with gun pointing at us. A woman in her forties asked us to show some Identification. I turned into a monster and the others did the same. The law enforcement realized that they had taken a wrong turn. They apologized before they left to track the actual criminal. I tapped the fake zombie on his hand to get up. Oleg adviced the kid to find the nearest clinic. I asked him to remove his make up if he doesn't want to eat bullets.

Oleg decided one more party wouldn't hurt so he took me to a high rise where young werewolves were partying on the terrace. A rogue wolf walked and he made it clear that a new world order is about to start. A world where humans become their slave. He said that a few vampires have joined his cause. He said that he is trying to end the peace treaty. So if they refused his order he will ask the werewolves outside to rip them to pieces. I changed my looks when I reached the imbecile. I let out a scream and he turned into a werewolf. He proceeded to tear open his chest. He ripped out his heart and died.

I fell to my knees as I remembered how I had killed my old friend. The others wanted to know why I was crying. When the reason was explained they gave me a hug. They comforted me and they gave me a blood bag. I drank from it and waited the other rogue ones came in. I asked the werewolves why are so interested in destroying my family. He said that family is no longer a thing. I wiped my tears and screamed loudly. They all fell to the ground and had seizures. When I ran out of breath the rogue ones were dead. I just desolved into tears. The others hugged me like I was their baby sister. When I felt a sense of calm they let me go.

I faced Oleg and asked what proof does he need. I am forbidden to party because something always happens. To this statement I was overruled by the young ones say that my arrival meant the trouble was over so now they can party. We celebrated as the security deleted any footage of me. The ones nearest to me introduced themselves as Henderson and Walter. The others were twins Fitz and Floyd. The others nod their head towards me as a show of reapect to the alpha. They insisted that I stay with them till the party was over. I did stay with them. No problem came for round two.

When it was time to go I was introduced to my new life. I am now a princess of the nocturnals so I was moved to Crown's Oasis. The building was reconstructed to resemble a Eastern European palace. It looked like the palace was pulled straight out of a story book. It was breathtakingly beautiful. The floor was marble the walls has floral decorations with flecks of gold. There were portraits and furniture that would make Buckingham palace look plain. There were people in servants outfit. I saw a grand staircase that lead to a hall designed for royal balls. My room was on the second floor. I had a stunning view of the garden. Points to the one who designed it. The place looked a place fairies and wood nymphs would love to live in.

I was forbidden to get a job. I was allowed to explore the city under supervision. This won't be a problem. I was escorted to the public library where I saw my Jasper's twin. He gave me a sweet smile before he turned to yell at Jayden. Oleg snarled and Jayden left Jasper alone. Jasper thanked Oleg before he asked if he could talk to Igor. The two of them talked about what happened to his brother. Once the air was cleared he asked if he could see me.

The response was no. I am kept under lock and key because Jayden had done so much terrible things. So for my safety no one can know where I am. Jasper asked if I ever loved his brother. I answer that my life made sense when he walked into my life. Jasper gave me a sad look realizing who I was. He was going to ask something when I pressed my hand against his forehead. I showed him the moments that we share together. He gave me a polite smile before he wished me goodnight. I told him that I blame myself for his death. To my brother in law said that he has forgiven me. But he will not forgive Jayden.

I walked back to my palace and saw that Jayden was following me. I asked the guard outside to lock the door so he can't get in. The guard wanted to know how much trouble this guy causes. So I replied that this man has singlehandedly wrecked the lives of almost all the nocturnals and humans combined. So he has been banned from entering our residences. The guard was given permission to tase him and call the authorities to arrest him. He tried to get in but the guard zapped him. Police arrived to take him away. The entire time he was screaming that the palace was his home.

The next morning I walked to fight practice. The entire place too quiet so I sensed my way around. I realized that Soren was arriving so people were getting ready to greet him outside. I got dressed quickly and waited by the door. When he walked in I bowed as a sign of respect. He returns the courtesy and we walked to the study to talk privately. The subject in question was regarding me using my gifts thus endangering the others. I politely showed him what had happened. He asked me to try and behave like an ordinary person. Fat chance of that. I bowed to show respect and he left to meet with the president about current affairs.

I turned to see that Jasper was there. He smelled different today. He found a werewolf who was willing to bite him. He was now fighting with Oleg. Behind him was a new batch of werewolves. I smiled as Igor introduced me as their leader. I bowed to them and they bowed back. I took a fighting stance and started to practice. I got bored of my disguise so I switched back to my old self. I heard someone hitch his breath. I looked at the direction to see the new addition was staring with awe. They thought I looked beautiful. Even Jasper was enamored. I blushed lightly and kept spin kicking the punching bag. Oleg reminded me of Jayden and I snarled before I changed into disguise again. My punches became rougher. Angus pat me on the head. I gave him a cute smile before I took a break.

I am a hybrid 4 A Different Direction Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant