From a little bit of everything

34 5 4

Summer 3091

Sounds of footsteps and cabinets opening and closing echoed in the bustling hallways of Encantia, murmurs filling the air as students settled in, exchanging friendly or sleepy glances.

Twilight makes her way to her first class, "The History of the Seven Kingdoms," her stomach churning with a mix of anxiety and excitement. She has always been fascinated by knowledge, but she has always had it at home, immersed in the bookshelves her tutor owned. The young girl never thought she would attend a school.

Upon entering the room, she looks around, soon spotting Fluttershy, the girl she had talked to and befriended the day before. Next to her, a girl with voluminous pink hair like cotton candy, couldn't stop talking excitedly. Twilight approaches the two.

- Good morning! - Twilight says, sitting down next to Fluttershy, who smiles at her.

- Good morning, Twilight. This is Pinkie Pie, my roommate - Fluttershy introduces her friend, who smiles at Twilight.

- Hii! Flutters told me about you last night! So, what do you think of Encantia? It's your first year here too, right? Mine too, I'm loving it here! And you? - Pinkie speaks rapidly, seeming to have infinite lungs.

Twilight smiles, replying as she takes her supplies out of her backpack - Yes, it's my first year. And yes, I'm excited, it seems like such a magical place, it's amazing! - The three girls start chatting more about their expectations, their likes, not noticing how the room slowly fills up.

- You lucked out with your roommate, Flutter - Twilight comments, organizing her books on the table.

Fluttershy looks at her concerned - Why? Isn't yours... Nice?

Twilight shrugs - She seems nice enough, I guess, just doesn't seem to like me very much, I don't know. We haven't really talked much.

- She might just be tired from the move -  Fluttershy suggests - You'll start talking over time.

Twilight was about to respond when she saw who entered the classroom, her roommate, Rainbow, walks in and waves to some students, not noticing Twilight's presence. She seemed much more sociable than last night.

- There she is - Twilight indicates with her eyes.

- Oh my - Fluttershy says, noticing who Twilight's roommate is.

Twilight looks at her, confused by Fluttershy's sudden change in mood - What's wrong?

- Oh... You don't know who she is? - Fluttershy asks. Twilight shakes her head slightly, concerned by her friend's reaction.

- She's the daughter of King Sombra, silly - Pinkie explains. Unlike Fluttershy, she maintains her composure as she speaks, not even looking at the two, focused on jotting down the date in her notebook with a pink pen and colorful stickers.

Twilight's eyes widen - King Sombra? From the Umbra kingdom? The one who tried to invade the Crystal Empire years ago?

Pinkie chuckled casually - I only know this one. Why? You didn't know?

- No, I didn't even know he had a daughter - Twilight responds. Even if she had known, Twilight would never have guessed Rainbow; the girl was very different from Sombra. While one had hair as black as night, the young girl literally had a rainbow over her head. The only similarities they shared were their light skin tones, with the king's being a pale almost grayish color, while the other had fair skin that clearly saw frequent sun exposure.

- Now you have something to talk about tonight! - Pinkie smiles as she admires her masterpiece in her notebook.

The teacher walked up to the board, preventing their conversation from continuing. The students' gazes gradually fixated on her, leaving conversations and gossip for later.

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