what am I supposed to do now? (requested)

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Knowing that she thinks of you as annoying and that she sometimes wished you weren't around broke your heart.

You didn't even bother to save the food you made.

You just dragged your feet up the stairs and crawled into bed, where you sobbed until you fell asleep.


When Jennie arrived home, she felt the weight of her words and the guilt that brought along with it was inexpressible.

She made her way upstairs and to the bedroom to find that you were sound asleep in bed.

She saw the tear stains on your cheeks and it broke her heart to know that she'd broken yours.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered as she kissed your forehead. "I love you so much."

She quietly changed into her pajamas and crawled into bed, wondering if you'd wake up at all anytime soon so she could apologize profusely to you and beg for your forgiveness.

But she laid there for an hour and a half and you didn't move even once.

"You must be sleeping deep tonight." She whispered. "I'm truly sorry for everything, my love. I'll do everything I can to make it better in the morning."

She closed her eyes and began to fall asleep, hoping that you'd forgive her when morning arrived.

But when the morning came, something didn't feel right.

Jennie woke up to her alarm.

Letting out a groan, she reached over to turn it off before she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Y/N, baby? Are you still sleeping?" She asked as she noticed that you were still lying there beside her. "I need to talk to you."

All she got in return was silence.

"I deserve the silent treatment, I do. I'll give you a few minutes. I'm going to get ready for more work at the studio but I hope you'll talk to me soon. I'm truly sorry."

She got out of bed to get dressed and brush her teeth.

She figured you'd do the same too because she knows you have a busy day ahead.

But when she was finished and she came back into the bedroom, she saw that you were still curled up in bed.

"Are you taking the day off and having a lazy day, baby?" She chuckled. "I don't blame you if you did. You deserve it."

She didn't get a response again.

"Baby, come on. Are you still asleep? You must be exhausted. You never sleep this late after the alarm goes off." She joked and came over to you. "Get up, lazy girl."

She shook your shoulder... but then realized you were cold to the touch.

"Y/N?" She asked as her heart sank. "Baby? Come on, wake up. You're scaring me."

But you didn't get up.

You didn't move, you didn't open your eyes, you didn't even take a breath.

That's when she realized that your chest wasn't moving up and down as you breathed... because you weren't breathing.

"If this is a prank to get back at me, it's not cool, baby." She said as she continued to try and get you to wake up. "Y/N? Wake up!"

She was frantic now as all the pieces began to fall into place.

You were still in the same position you were in last night, you hadn't moved a finger.

You were cold and not breathing...

You were gone.

In a panic, she grabbed her phone to call for help.

But, deep down, she had a feeling that it was too late already.

And she was right.

She paced around the room as help arrived but it had been too late.

"She's been dead for hours." The paramedic explained. "It happened in her sleep."

"How could this even happen?" She sobbed. "You can't do anything to help her? You have to help her!"

"I'm sorry." The other medic said.

"I have to," Jennie paused, sobbing. "I have so many people I have to call. I can't believe she's gone. What am I going to do?"

"Was your girlfriend sick?" An officer asked as he came downstairs.

"Not that I know of. She's always been pretty healthy. Why?"

"She had a prescription for a new medication. A very serious medication for a very serious illness."

"She didn't mention being on medication." Jennie sniffled as she dried her eyes. "What's it for?"


Jennie's heart dropped even more upon hearing that.

"She," Jennie paused, trying to find the words to say. "No, she would've told me if she had cancer."

"It's in her name. As were some papers we found confirming the diagnosis of the terminal illness. She was probably hiding it from you and looking for a good time to tell you."

"Like over dinner last night..." She mumbled aloud before falling onto the couch in shock. "Oh, my god. She was dying. I said the harshest things to her last night because I was frustrated and we were arguing and I said such horrible things to her! Now she's gone. What am I supposed to do now? Without her?"

The guilt was now overwhelming, almost eating her alive as it sank in that the reason why last night's date was so important to you was because you wanted to tell her about what you were dealing with.

Her whole world was shattered, falling apart all around her as she realized that you probably didn't even hear her say how much she loved you last night.

You were probably already gone.

You might've passed without hearing her say she loves you after those awful things she said to you before.

Jennie was devastated.

And there was nothing in this world that she could do to make things right or to say she loves you one last time, even though she'd give anything to do so.

Jennie Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum