The Eighth Night

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Within the frame of the ceiling window, the sunlight's purplish-orange hue vanishes from the marble room, coating the large cubicle layout in a dark palette.

Within a moment the dark-gray shadows changed into a pale cascade by a single flip of a switch, a Tower worker waltzes into the room, their fragile shoes tapping into the marble.

A reflection on the wall glimpses the figure, displaying their long brunette hair draping down to their upper back, following along their black silk dress as they walk by.

She stops in her tracks, inhaling a fresh lemon-lime scent of the room's fragrance.

The woman appears to be examining metallic gray rods plumping out of the walls grasping onto a large tube, she looks down on an electronic board, carrying it gently with one arm, tapping into the glass screen.

With the reaction to rhythmic dancing on her fingers, the rods move down with a mechanical purr, dropping the tube onto the floor.
Her gaze looks at the tube and then up-around it, seeing several of them clinging onto the wall by the metal arms.

She looks within the tube, it's filled with a hazy dense liquid with ribbons of darker colored waves spiraling against its enclosure.

Her gaze drifts down onto the pad and does a pattern, tapping on the screen, then she does a solid tap and swipes her finger down, leaving smudges against the glass.

Collection of sounds speak about the liquid being drained from its container, it drools down—revealing a body drooping down into the tube.

Thinner wires connecting to the body leave it hanging like a puppet on its strings.

Her brittle fingers waltz across the screen again, sounds of steam spew out into the room, being muffled by the canister it's coming from.

She steps forward as an opening had been created to release the body—catching the figure before it plummets to the marble.
Her cumbered arms drag the body, their bare feet skimming the floor as she hustles the body to a padded bed, the comforter lifts up with hydraulic legs.

The woman looks down at her electronic device and does a final marking of her work.

She places the pad into a pocket on the side of the bed and begins to push, rolling the bed out of the marble room—flipping the switch as she heads into the corridors.

Rolling of wheels fester within the hallways, her flowing dress bouncing as she hauls the cargo into a different location.

Skidding of the wheels squeak as she turns a corner, gripping the handles tightly to pull the weight.

Passing other rooms down the empty corridors, she looks at a number that's carved up-top of the headpiece of the bed, then checks the room numbers, passing several rooms before she reaches the correct entrance.

Halting her movement as she swipes three cards to get the green light to enter the designated room, the doors sizzle as it opens, the woman walks backwards into the room—pulling the bed with.

The figure lies unphased by the movements their carrier does.

"Here it is!" She says doing a robust salute, the other worker thanks her for the delivery and relieves her work, the woman bows and grabs her tablet from the side pocket of the bed before she exits the room.

The man lifts up a clipboard of his work amongst the unconscious figure's details.

Stating: homunculus 326, Ready for injection, area for drop off, time and date of its creation, and what type of injection the body will take.

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