The Eighth Day

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Chandra and Dealix journey through the forest, stepping over debris of vegetation.

"We've been traveling for a while" Dealix grips a half crescent branch, lifting himself up top of a fallen tree, he takes his hand out for Chandra to grasp it—aiding her up.

"Seems about a full day.." she responds with a grunt by being pulled up, they hop down the foliage debris crunch underneath their feet.

"I'm pretty sure this is the correct way to head towards the other section…" Chandra mutters to herself, but Dealix overhears her murmur and thinks to himself about the first portion of Chandra's' sentence, having her being 'pretty sure' isn't being one-hundred percent sure of where they're going.

She strides towards a tree that's further ahead—seeing moss slightly reaching around it.
Chandra places her right hand on the trunk and leans to get a better view of the moss, taking in that the moss is growing north, she makes a mental note that they're heading the right way to another city section of Lypheon.

"Come on, let's continue heading this way" Chandra beacons Dealix to push onward, having her wary sense of direction turning more of a solidified one.

Dealix does a single nod, tailing right behind her as they continue into the wilderness, she closely eyes the moss to make sure they don't falter in the wrong direction.

Dealix slumps his head down—zoning out within their walk towards the location.

The walk turns into a hypnotic waltz for Dealix, his steps feeling numb and his breathing feeling like it needs a consistent guide, Dealix's vision becomes a blur having the littered ground becoming a mass junction of streaming colors.

Chandra continues to take mental notes of their direction, She becomes cautious, having her face wrinkle with concern as the surrounding area becomes a cascade of silence.
She darts her view from left to right, even taking a pause to strain her ear, trying to listen for any animals scurrying about within the forest—Hearing nothing within the vicinity.

"Do you hear that…?" Chandra asks Dealix, who is wobbling back and forth, making an effort to keep himself going.

The only answer she hears from him is the only sound that cracks the silence, the sound of his body thumping to the ground.

She turns around to see Dealix laying on the ground, she calls out his name as she rushes over to him—placing both of her hands onto his body.

"Dealix!" She says again, but there's no response, she moves her head, scanning any safe area to make camp.

Deciding the best spot is in-between a group of trees, she reacts quickly, getting a lengthy stick nearby and digs it into the ground to mark where Dealix is laying.

Chandra plans to gather sturdy branches or sticks to hold them up above the ground to keep any wildlife at arms length as they rest.

Chandra seeks out pieces to make a flooring for their camping spot, worrying to herself about Dealix's sudden collapse, though she places the worry on a halt—it's not the time to worry or to panic in a time like this.

She grabs a stick, feeling the weight and thickness with her hands. Chandra does a bob to confirm that this will do. Looking up and scanning any other pieces that may be as sturdy as the one she's holding.

Walking towards a few others she spots from her scan.

Chandra hauls a few pieces that are stuffed between her folded arms and drops them down next to the grouped trees, taking a moment to see Dealix still laying down at the marker.

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