The Seventh Day

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Chandra, Dealix, and Crew 8 are losing their supply of oxygen from the devastating blow Korith had made from her escape. The group talked to their two 'guests' about a potential outcome that'll happen if they don't find a way out and fast, "if we all continue on the collapse we could make it out of here" one member had said.

"Wouldn't that waste more of our supply?" Dealix inquires, pointing at the valves. Chandra looks at the valves, watching it tick down within a rough pace, she takes her glance and looks at the collapse seeing a pattern.

"If we take it down just right, we could minimize the effort."

Chandra looks at Ael, then at Clysita and the rest, she gestures for them to follow her. Aelive raises a confirmation, though there's another thought brewing inside his head.

Clysita wants to huff, but she's watching herself, she needs to be calmer than these high-school students are.

Right now they're showing them how much support they can give out, in this situation most people would panic, however these two probably know that panic isn't going to set the circumstances right.

She follows Chandra's lead after Dealix steps in first, she looks behind seeing the other two members slumped over watching the meter slowly go down, seeing them look up at her in worried expressions.

"Keep the breathing slow, maybe we can save on oxygen." She looks at Ael's approval, yet he's deep in thought—more likely thinking of a smoother scenario to get them out of here.

They reach the collapse, Chandra begins her estimate of where to begin and what rubble they should pick up and to move aside. Clysita watches Chandra's plan unfold, seeing a gap being created with less effort. Whenever Chandra points, Dealix moves a piece over towards the side. "Maybe this way, we can make a tunnel" she thinks on what debris to move next.
Ael is still sitting by the rest, believing that Chandra's plan might not work as he takes a glance at the valve, they should've thought of other ways of escape before they started with the project.

He wants to show support too her idea, but he still thinks that there's another way to get out of here with even less effort than before: remembering that there's the extra room in the back, how slow the valve is moving, and potentially breaking the other room's wall down to get to the other section.

Erasing the idea of taking the time to figure out what pieces to move so it doesn't all crumble down upon them.

He descends deeper into his idea, getting up from his spot and finagling his way towards the extra space.
He'll attempt to locate a hollow pocket in the wall to bust through, however Ael has to be careful with their supply.


Mier had walked through the neighborhood, panning his head from side-to-side, taking in the deserted element that grasped the area around him: House's doors had been busted through, and some buildings' windows had been shattered. He takes a step into a building that's familiar to the one he saw, seeing pieces of the door still clutching onto its hinges.

Mier steps over the corner of it, making a crunch under his feet with other broken off pieces, "could the guards have done this..? " he tries to seek answers from the quiet air around him.

His inhale was rough, spiked with the scent of iron mixed together with an after-tone of stench that squishes his nose and eyes. It's strong, a bit too strong for his liking.

Taking a piece of his jacket and pulling it over his nose for defense.

Continuing onward with a hunched over posture, he reaches the living space of the house, Mier scans the room seeing the place an utter mess.

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