P.4: At Dusk it falls

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Within the outer fog, the echoes of screeching reached Vem, startling him as he watched the skies, unable to discern where the sound was originating from.

"That ain't good," he muttered, shining his heavy-duty flashlight through the thick fog.

However, the higher wattage beam could barely make a dent in the dense mist.

He steadied himself after the occurrence, determinedly making his way to his representative's last known location after they got cut off before the news started blaring alerts about the weather.

As soon as that happened, Vem instinctively got into his car.

When he had entered, 'The strange boy' was already in his vehicle, awaiting his arrival, he told him to scurry on home, but the boy wouldn't listen, just as Vem had enough, the boy, formally known as Mier began giving information, even sharing some details that spoke out to him regarding oddities.

"Now we're in this mess," Vem said, trudging through the layered snow. The beam of light sliced through the flowing flakes as he scanned the surroundings, searching for any sign of life he might stumble across.


Crowley remained unconscious on the cold snowy comforter, his hand twitching occasionally, a sign that he was still trying to fight to wake up.

The snow piled on top of him, creating a thick layer of blanket weighing him down, escalating the probability of him losing the battle against the cold.

A figure's silhouette emerged from the dense fog, bravely venturing towards him. The barrier between them dissipated as the figure entered the alleyway, their eyes meeting Crowley's sleeping body.

"Rescue him," a faint buzz passed through the figure's dangling hair.


"Leave me be, Octavia!"

"You were the only one by that window!"

The chase continued through the snowy fog; Octavia's tracking skills were paying off from her lessons. She could even pick up on the faint echoes of Korith dragging along the cold fog.

"She's getting better," an electrical vibration crossed Korith's path.

Leave me alone, she thought, but the persistent buzz intruded, giving her directions to dip and dodge, although Octavia was still on her heels.

"You're getting better at avoiding things, Korith!"
Korith then dived through a broken window, and Octavia followed right after.

Octavia gripped the side of the broken window, swinging herself around. She slid on the ice perfectly, maneuvering around the corner at a higher speed.

"Why are you even running from me? I simply asked who-" Korith began to bolt as Octavia interrogated her. She left no room for Octavia to close the gap. Octavia knew Korith's moves, but how well did she know her?

Octavia, being a guard trainee, had traversed these streets countless times, and bad weather couldn’t hinder her skills.
She darted through the alleyway, seeing Korith going the opposite way again, trying to outmaneuver her.

Octavia slid into an abandoned car, the sirens blaring muffled sounds in the snow.


Meir hunkered down in the frozen silence. His breath, visible in the chilly air. His fingers, numbed by the cold, fumbled through Vem's glove box, finding solace in the odd-looking knife.

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