P.3: It Reaches

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Vem, in his fast-moving vehicle, brushes along the road, slowing down to a halt before getting forcefully detoured to another street.

"This area isn't safe for civilians!" The worker says, signing Vem to turn around to take a detour if he must cross the town.

"Follow those signs. It'll lead you in the right direction if you wanna get out of the city!" Vem turns to the point seeing yellow flashing signs leading him to a different path. He nods and continues down that route for a while before stopping near the edge of the foggy wall.

"Sorry, I know you're doing your job, but someone's waiting for me in there that needs our help."

"She should be in this area, that's the last time I saw her," Meir says in the car, holding up notes and information about Clysita and Vems representative, the concerned note bringer from before, Among other notes the detective had gathered were details about a yellow house.
Mier had convinced him to tag along, with the help of information about the whereabouts of one of his leads.

Mier had seen some details while waiting for him in the car and took that as an advantage in hopes to persuade Vem to tail with.

Minding that what he was doing was a rough way to go about following a vision and this wasn't the first time he appeared before Vem, he had sought him out regarding the storm's peculiarities and by regulations Vem was already investigating the oddities.

At first Vem was reluctant, but in the end he was successful.
Vem parked his car alongside a sidewalk, leading towards the park, he looked at the window, gauging the thick wall of fog that he'll have to adventure in.

Vem stepped out of the vehicle, carrying a flashlight, the car door remaining open as he exited, a rush of wet foliage sparks his senses.

"You're not coming with me?" He turns to Meir. The boy silently shakes his head, flipping through notes, landing back on the intel regarding the two story house, sparking a tugging feeling inside Miers chest, Mier wonders to himself that there might be a sign waiting for him there.

"Can't, I have to stay 'hidden' from them," Mier takes his gaze off of the paper, looking up at Vem, who's hunched over - his hand resting on the top portion of the vehicle.

"There's that word again," Vem mumbles to himself, thinking that he had said the same thing when he was detailing about his lead. Vem looks up, taking a mental note of the fog's stature.

"Interesting in how it's doing that - I'll meet up with you later, take care of Clancy," the investigator looks back at Meir.

The boy nodded, rolling up his window and locking the doors. Grabbing one of Vem’s knives from the safety hatch within the car. Examining the blade with intrigue.

"Be careful with that thing," Meir looks at Vem as he points towards the knife. He nods in approval once again, going back to his study.

".. got it," Vem mumbles, closing the driver's door, then takes a stride towards the wall.
Mier sits in the car, watching Vem's retreating figure go through the thick fog. Leaving him to defend the car alone.

He places the knife down to scan his surroundings, seeing any clues to line with the vivid image, rearranging himself as he does.

Although he wants to vanish, a tugging aura tells him to stay put, nearly making him contemplate the ‘vision,' he puts the thought to the back and decides to listen to the pulling sensation.

With more curiosity gravitating to him, he shuffles through the paperwork that Vem had stored up, seeing any additional information.

Vem had told him before that he shouldn't be digging through his findings, but Vem eventually gave up after Mier hypnotically shuffled between them.

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