The Fifth Day: Last Day of Summer School

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Lin woke up with a weight towards his head, sensing a chill beneath his sheets despite the summer heat. A lingering remnant gloom from nights past followed him as he lifted himself up right, staring intensely into a transparent daydream.

Contemplating skipping school, he recognized that he'll face consequences during school hours, slightly hoping that Opel wouldn't show up.

He reached for nearby clothes with a groan to dress.
As he prepared himself for his final school day, he anticipated the freedom that would follow, an escape.

Descending the stairs, he passed his mother without offering answers to their inquiries.

Rin, his sister, seemed to grasp his intentions, letting him go, sensing the gravity of his situation. She grabbed her bag and left the house swiftly, just moments before their mother entered the kitchen.

"Take care today," Rin said in passing, heading to the gardens.
Lin paused briefly, trying to catch his sister's words. Shaking off the thought, he continued on his way to school, choosing shortcuts and side streets.

Avoiding his classmates as he navigated through alleyways, backyards, and playgrounds.

Making the final stretch through a backyard.

Lin arrived at his destination, only needing to cross the bustling street on the last day of summer school.

Lin couldn't help but wonder why there were so many failing students this year.

Last year, it had been just a few, and he had been among them. Not exactly a point of pride, but the group had felt like a close-knit family.

Now, he stood alone. His mistakes had driven away even his closest friends, but what he had done with Kel was on a whole different level, taking the blame.

Frustration welled up within Lin, and he kicked a nearby pole while waiting for the street sign to change.

Emotions overwhelmed him, triggering a flood of memories. The signal changed, but he remained lost in his thoughts.
A horn blared, snapping him back to reality. He sprinted across the street and into the school.

With movements of going into his classroom a sudden tug sent him sprawling backward, his head hitting the pavement with a deafening crack.

Voices became muffled, and he struggled to comprehend what was happening. Figures loomed over him, their faces blurred.
They were shouting something, but it all sounded garbled. Still confused, he managed to get up, only to be knocked down once more.

The shock of the impact made him cough, and he hit the ground again. Emotions swirled within him - confusion, panic, and an ever-growing sense of dread.

Gradually, his vision cleared, and he saw Xiel standing before him, accompanied by a couple of other friends.
"What have you done to my friend, Freak!" Xiel yelled, pushing Lin with his foot as he struggled to rise.

"What's your problem?" Lin thrashed.

Xiel climbed on top of Lin, his intentions clear.

A teacher arrived in the nick of time to intervene. Students were herded into detention, where tensions ran high.

The teacher threatened to call Xiel's father, but he appeared unflinching, responding with disrespect before the teacher stormed out of the room.

Lin entered the nurse's office, pressing a cold pack to his head.

"A fight, huh? Looks pretty serious," the nurse observed as she tended to him.

"Want to head home?"

"No, I need to face some people - more than one person."
The nurse awhed, scanning his injuries as she wrapped another cold sack in paper towels, handing it to him.

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