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     Alright... I gave UN a call, and she got America to let me stay at his house for a little while... Well, I really do need a break from my siblings. But America's house can't be that bad, right? I mean, I doubt he has kids, that would honestly be weird.

     How could a weird, arrogant, and lazy person have kids? Besides, last time I checked he doesn't even have a lover. The guy can love both genders, yet he somehow is still single. Then again... not like I'm any different. I'm straight though, at least the last time I liked someone it was a girl.

     There was that one time when I thought I liked a guy, turns out I just needed more friends and wasn't used to friends. That's why I thought I like that guy, but no, we're just friends. Doesn't matter though, that was years ago.

     Actually, since I have a whole day until I have to "live" with America, why not go through his notebook again? That's a terrible idea, but I mean... why noooot? America is going to kill me if he finds out about this... You know what? I might as well be dead already anyway.

     I grab America's notebook again and flip to a page I haven't read yet. Seeing the neat handwriting on the page again, I wonder how someone like him could write like that. Then, I start to read what amazingly depressing poem he wrote. 

I wish to die, to no longer exist. But I have loose ends to tie. I have to live life to the fullest...

That's what they all say, right? "You only live once" is what they say. I want to blow out my candle's light... I'm too hopeless to stay. 

I can't remember what my personality is, if I even have one. I'm just awaiting Death's kiss, even if I'm not ready to be gone.

My siblings hopefully, if I die now, won't remember me. I can give them one final bow. 

Then fade into the darkness, the darkness I welcome. I could then feel happiness, and I can return to where I came from.

-America 06/28/2022

     America's got... what, six siblings? India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada? I know that he's not the closest with Pakistan, Bangladesh and India... so he's probably talking about New Zealand, Canada, and Australia. But Australia is only 9, and New Zealand is 5 and a half... Canada is 11... what the absolute fuck America? You really thought about your siblings not remembering you when they were 4-10 years old!?

     God... America, I wonder how I hate you yet feel bad for you at the same time. It's terrifying. How can one hate another, yet want to be kinder towards that same person? It's weird, I'm only keeping an eye on America because UN asked me too... but some part of me wants to do it on my own, with or without UN telling me to.

     I guess I just have to wait until I temporarily live with America to find out more... then again... this was two years ago, and he's still alive. That has to count for something... right? I'm only wondering what made America feel this way... and why he hasn't gone to get help.

     If I have to drag him to therapy, then I will. Even if I'm not the friendliest with America, no one deserves to want to die. It doesn't matter what happened, if something makes someone feel that way, then they need someone to help them get out of their dark little hole of depression.

    But... most of the time, no one tries to help or knows how to, without making it worse. Hell, even I don't know how to either. With me being me, I'd most likely make things worse for America. Why, of all people, did UN have to choose me to watch over America?

     Why not UK or Canada? Hell France is an option too! Yes, me and America don't get along well, but at least it's not like America's and Afghanistan's relationship. They both hate each other's guts!

     Well... I should probably get stuff done today. I've got a meeting tomorrow, I'm temporarily moving in with America, and I still have work to finish... These next few days, possibly weeks, will be interesting.


Here you go @the_chaotic_house a new part! Also, I've got a fantasy story out now, it's called Commander of The Crows. It's not a CH story either.


Come, The Return


    I'll see you all in the next chapter. I may or may not be making a list of all 50 states, their genders, sexualities, and totally don't need ideas for genders and sexualities for Canadian Provinces and some other states-

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