Chapter 46. Everlong

Start from the beginning

The door behind me suddenly opened, and a young woman peaked through it. She had black long black hair, and her eyes seemed to be black as well. Her attire was white, and not in the best condition. She reminded me of an illustration I had seen a long time ago, of a priestess of ancient Minoan. She was lacking several gold ornaments, though.

That woman's face illuminated once she recognized that what was in front of her was a baby. She picked her up with utmost care, and hugged her softly. She took a moment to try to look through the rain, maybe looking for whoever had left the baby at their door.

—Don't worry, you are safe now —she said in a warm voice—, we'll take care of you.

—Mneme, what is it now? —another woman said from inside of the building.

—Our goddess has blessed us with a new member of our family, Eri —the first woman said, turning back and crossing the entrance.

—Well, thank our goddess for another mouth to feed —the second woman replied with obvious sarcastic intent.

I felt compelled to follow them into the building before the door was closed, but after crossing the threshold I instead found myself in the middle of a busy market street. There were all sorts of stalls and stores, with people coming and going in all directions, selling their products or trying to bargain for a better price. The sound should have been deafening, but I could only hear it as a distant murmur, almost as if I was underwater. But then, I heard one voice that was as clear as if it was right next to me.

—Are you hurt? Are you hungry? Do you want water?

The voice came from my left, in an alleyway that seemed too dark for how illuminated the rest of the market. As I approached it, I found two people there. One was an adult, covered in rags and bandages, but through the tears and gaps between them I could see a very emancipated body. There was barely anything covering their bones, only a skin that seemed to be made of obsidian.

The person in front of them was a little girl, who seemed to be four or five years old. She was wearing a miniature version of the same clothes that the priestess from before was wearing. Her hair was light pink, and there was a horn coming from her forehead. That was the same girl I had just seen as a baby.

—Get away, child —the sickly adult said in a rough and strained voice.

—Why? You look like you need help.

—Do I, huh? I suppose I do. Those clothes... you are from the temple of Lilith, aren't you?

—Yes! That's my home.

—Hmmm. Then I suppose... I can get some help from you, child.

The girl nodded, expectantly.

—I was cursed by your goddess. I don't blame her, I made some bad stuff, I deserve this. I just want... in my last moments, to ask for forgiveness. I think I paid enough for my crimes in this life, you know. Heh... I must really be a goner, if I am asking for the final rites to such a young priestess...

—I am sure that our goddess has already forgiven you —the girl said, grabbing that person's hands.

—Hey, let go! Do you want to get cursed too?! —they said in an alarmed tone, trying to let go, but they didn't have enough strength left in their body.

Just then, there was a light coming from her tiny hands, bright enough to call the attention of people in the market, who started to enter the alleyway and approach the little girl. From the crowd, several priestesses appeared, one of them sweeping the little girl in her arms and hugging her.

—Cali! There you are! Do you have any idea how worried we were? —she said.

—I am sorry, Mneme...

—It is fine, I am not angry —she said, kissing the girl's forehead, before she realized everyone around them was looking at them, and the person in front of them, with shocked expressions.

—T-they were that outlaw that was cursed by Lilith, right? —someone said.

—Yeah, yeah, I just saw them yesterday. I saw their skin, there is no way... —someone else added.

The person that looked like they were on the verge of death just a moment ago, unable to even get a little girl to let go of their hands, was now standing on their own. Bandages fell to the floor, revealing that their skin had returned to normal, and their body no longer looked emancipated. Their face was still covered, they were too focused on their hands to even consider looking at the rest of their body.

—Huh, what exactly did you do? —Mneme asked the girl in her arms.

—I healed them! —she replied proudly.

—That little girl lifted the curse?

—She must be a saintess!

The crowd went insane, which actually scared the girl a little bit.

—Did I do something wrong?

—No, you did something great. You are someone great, our saintess, Caliope!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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