Kara "what are you doing here", she said answering the door to see her best friend standing there with a bouquet of balloons, and cute little cake. Kara "you didn't have to get me anything you know", Lena "you're my best friend her, it wouldn't hurt to appreciate the little things being done for you, you are always working and never seem to get a break. So enjoy your birthday please", Kara "okay. I won't argue. I feel like you'll punish me if I do", Lena "don't say that, it'll really happen", Kara "lol", Lena "well I have to meet up with the others to do something. Are you coming tonight. Are you", Kara "yeah", Lena "okay. See you later", Alex "can you all help me finish decorating, Kara will be here any minute and nothing is done", Kelly "hey. Don't worry we've got this", Alex "okay", within a few more minutes of working together, it was completely decorated for Kara's birthday. Lena "is Kara here yet", Alex "no, but I believe she's on her way", Lena "okay", Lena grabbed a drink, sat down and started to chat with Alex. Alex "are you okay? Kara told me what's been going on with you", Lena "I don't wanna talk about that right now, it's Kara's birthday and I don't want her birthday to be filled with my problems and issues. But on a real note I really need to talk to you Alex", Alex "okay. I'm listening", Lena "could we go somewhere more private please", Alex "sure", Esme "I'm hungry mom", Alex "go ask mommy. I've gotta go talk with aunt Lena", Esme "okay", Alex and Lena went downstairs, Alex "is everything okay Lena"? Lena "I think I'm slowly developing romantic feelings for your sister", Alex "you like Kara", Lena "I think so, I mean I don't know. This is all so new to me, if feels weird for me to even be in love considering how I used to be such a selfish person", Alex "Lena, that was your past, that doesn't define the person you are currently, and if you are in love with her, you need to tell her how you feel. You have to tell her before it's too late", Lena "I'm scared to tell her Alex, I don't wanna ruin our friendship, or what we already have", Alex "so you'd rather keep this from her", Lena "I don't know. I'm just really scared to be in a relationship, it's always ended up in heartbreak for me", Alex "and do you think my sister would even do that to you, the way she talks about you and describes you to everyone around her shows how much she truly cares for you. I think you should tell her", Lena "okay", Alex "and if you can't tell her here at this party then take her home, to your place or go to her place. But tell her after this huge birthday", Lena "okay", Alex "let's get back upstairs, Kara's here", Nia "happy birthday", Kara "thank you", Brainy "happy birthday", Kara "thank you so much". Kelly "happy birthday", Kara "thank you", Esme "happy birthday aunt Kara, I made you this", Kara "oh my goodness, it's beautiful. Could you put it on for me", Esme put the bracelet on Kara's wrist. J'onn "happy birthday sweetheart", Kara "thanks. Is my sister and Lena here, I thought. Or there they go", Lena "happy birthday", Kara "thanks", Alex "happy birthday sis", Kara "thank you", the sound of music played throughout the place, everyone laughing and just having a good time celebrating Kara's birthday. Kara started to open a few gifts that everyone has gotten for her, and even with a few of those gifts, she was completely surprised and overwhelmed with joy.

@ karadanversOh my gosh, I am overwhelmed with so much joy and love

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@ karadanvers
Oh my gosh, I am overwhelmed with so much joy and love. Birthdays are just normal days for me but my family and friends made it the best birthday possible. The amount of love and happiness you have showed me today was out of this world and I couldn't be more grateful for all of you. To call you all my team, my family, you took the time to celebrate me and make me feel so special. I didn't know a love like this could ever exist for someone like me but I was wrong, I don't even want the day to come to an end. I've smiled so much, and I don't think I've ever been this happy before. To everyone that came to celebrate my birthday, and helped my sister throw this amazing birthday party, I love you all so much. Thank you for all the birthday wishes, and thanks for helping me celebrate in the most amazing and such a wonderful way. Xoxo everyone!

(After the party ended)
Alex "I appreciate you all staying here with me to help clean up this massive mess", Kelly "there's no way we would have let you did this all alone", Alex "thanks I really appreciate that", Nia "where's Kara and Lena", Alex "I told them to get out of here". Kara "you didn't have to bring me home", Lena "I wanted to", Kara "well it was very sweet of you. Lena something's been bothering you, I could tell. What's going on with you? Is it the depression", Lena "no. It's not that", Kara "then what's going on, you've been fidgeting, you've going back and forth unable to stay still. At the party you were also fidgeting, what's going on", Lena "nothing, um I've gotta go. I have some work to do, so I should get going", Kara "Lena", Lena left, and Kara had no idea why she left. All Kara could do was sleep through it, but she couldn't even do that. She was too focused on Lena, too focused on what she was saying, and she was just getting worried. Kara "thanks for coming over", Alex "what's wrong", Kara "there is something wrong with Lena, and when I asked her about it she just shut down. And then before she could tell me, she left. Straight out of here as if I did something or said the wrong thing", Alex "I don't think it's that", Kara "how would you know", Alex "I'm not gonna speak for Lena, she has a voice. And when she's ready to tell you why she's been acting the way she's been acting, I think you will need to just listen to her and hear her out", Kara "how am I supposed to hear her out when all she's doing is shutting me out. I'm her best friend, she's never been like this with me ever before". Alex "just get some sleep, I gotta get going my wife and daughter are expecting me to come home. Just rest, she'll come back. Don't rush her though", Kara "okay", despite her wanting to desperately know what was going with Lena, she decided to forget about it for the moment and just go to sleep.

Should Kara be worried about Lena's secret?

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