Chapter 29: Aphrodite

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His light-ish curls, more like sun kissed brown, reminded her so much of her old friend. She reached out to touch the back of his head when he lifted himself from the bed just out of reach. She held her sigh and rolled herself on her back. "You're going back to her?"

"She's my friend." He said putting his tunic back on. "And you locked her up as a prisoner."

"She's unpredictable. I can't have her touching everything around here Adonis."

"Yeah. It sucks when people touch things you don't want them to."

"That's not the same."

Adonis huffed and lowered his head, "All you women in power are the same."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Aphrodite sat up against the headboard, not bothering to cover herself with the blanket that dropped. "Are you telling me you didn't want to be with me? You didn't seem to mind last night. In fact I'm pretty sure it was you who pulled me in for another round."

"I've learned you have to make the best of a situation." His eyes lowered to her chest before looking away. "You're all lonely."

"Have you seen how full my home is? I live with too many people to be lonely."

"They're all empty shells. Or like us they're forced here for some reason probably tied up in an agreement." He has know idea how true that is, but he doesn't understand. They have to be shells or they'll remember everything. "Why not turn us into shells like them?"

Aphrodite forced a shrug, "You're both interesting I guess."

Adonis stood and walked toward the door without looking back at her, "I'll be in the cells."

She wasn't jealous of Dora, well not in that sense anyways. She hated admitting how much she actually liked Dora, especially when she was mad. She was so cute when her cheeks grew red with anger and she was conflicted with herself. It was too much fun messing with her.

She shot out of bed with an idea.


Aphrodite made her way down the stairs toward the cells. Adonis was sitting in front of the cell Dora occupied, sharing a piece of meat with her. "Hello darlings." She said in greeting them both. Dora's squinty eyes blazed at her. Perfect. "Adonis made it very clear he doesn't want you down here but I can't have you touching everything with that dark gift of yours so I reached out to a friend who made you something." She reached into the bag she was carrying to hold out the white gloves. "You'll wear these at all times."

Dora grabbed them reluctantly while she and Adonis both stared at her as if it was some sort of trick. "You're letting her out of the cells?" Adonis asked with more hope than she cared for.

"She can stay here or move to our room."

"What? Why would you want me to sleep in your room?" Dora asked confused. That's not the emotion she wanted to get out of her but it's a start.

"Why not? Here let me help, there's a pin that might hurt if you do it wrong." Dora placed the gloves back in Aphrodites waiting hands. She grabbed one of Dora's hands and slid the soft fabric on securing each finger in place. She waved her other hand up and mimicked the movements again. "Now, touch me." She held out her arm.

Dora didn't hesitate to grab her arm, "Nothing. But I can't control it."

"I trust my friend enough." She unlocked the cell and waved them to follow her. "Let's go squirrel, I have a job for you."

Psych waited for them at the top of the stairs with a bucket and sponge, "Adonis is going to watch you wash the floors."

"Me? Why? They're not even dirty."

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