Chapter 28-The Truth

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"You think you deserve to live again?" Hades voice was edged with a mute coldness as if he couldn't care less about the conversation or pleading from the man knelt before him.

"Yes, yes, absolutely." The pleading mans voice lightened with hope.


"What?" The man raised his head from the floor. "But... but I have a son. His mother killed me and that poor woman."

"Do you see why we brought him to you?" One of the robed men turned back to ask Hades.

His nod was slight, "He lies. He raped and then murdered that woman and his wife killed him. The woman was his wife's sister. Let the furies have him."

"But Sir, don't you want to manage this one yourself?"

"Not when we have hungry furies to please."

All three black robed men waved their hands and the man vanished.

"I can hear one more." Hades instructed with an authority that seemed fitting for someone that looked much older than him. Kore leaned back against the hallway she was still standing in, hoping the shadows would keep her hidden.

"But sir" one of the robed men questioned, "We have over fifty more."

Hades hardened face tilted toward the man daring him to argue. His crown of fire grew higher above his raven head and that wave of heat touched her skin. In answer the man shook his cloaked head before turning back to an older woman being ushered to where the pleading man had disappeared and continued, "This woman sold each of her children to the highest bidder, pretended to be a loving old woman to gain women and children's trust and then kidnapped and stole them too. The problem we're having is..."

"No." Hades said coldly, "obliterate her."

"Yes sir." The robed man sounded irritated.

Again the three robed men waved their hands together and the woman disappeared without having said a single word.

"That's all." Hades waved his own hand and everyone disappeared, leaving the large room empty. The crown on his head disappeared as did the vacantness behind his eyes. His entire body slacked in the throne as if he was exhausted as he ran his fingers against his temples.

Kore wanted to turn back around before he noticed her but she was stuck, watching him. He looked so vulnerable and... soft. Less in control as he always appeared.

She took a step forward.

"I was wondering if you were going to run away or make yourself seen." That cold voice from earlier was gone, replaced with that familiar alluring one she found herself lost in.

"Was that sentencing?" She asked making her way across the long empty room. Even with the emptiness gone behind his eyes something angry yet sad stayed behind them as he watched her every step of the way.

He nodded before taking the steps down to meet her.

"Wh— how—" The right question wouldn't form from the many in her head. Hades stepped closer to her and placed a hand on her lower back, catching her off guard, "Close your eyes." His voice was soft too, like he was too tired.

Without question she did what he asked and knew what was coming. With her eyes closed she wouldn't get dizzy watching the scene change around her. Instead her focus was on his spicy floral scent. Kore's face pinched. Odd. Why would he smell of roses?

The air shifted slightly warmer and her balance was thrown off enough she shifted and caught Hades arms with both of hers to avoid stumbling over.

Without opening her eyes she could still feel Hades standing so close the rise and fall of his chest moved against her with every breath. His finger brush the hair from her eyes, "You can open them now."

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