Thinking of you

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Rantaro was reading a book in his room on his bed, quite interested in the plot. A knock on his door was heard. 

"It's open." Rantaro said, not taking his eyes off the book. 

Tenko, being the one who knocked, opened the door. She smiled at him, walking over to him and sitting down on the bed and cuddling up next to him. Rantaro smiled, closing the book and cuddling her back, feeling her nuzzle his chest. 

"Someone's feeling affectionate today." Rantaro looked down at Tenko, brushing a strand of hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ear. 

"I-I guess so..." Tenko shrugged, blushing. "I was training, and then I started to think about you...and then I couldn't stop, which distracted me from training, so I had to come and get you out of my mind by seeing you. So really, this is your fault." 

Rantaro laughed, kissing her softly on the lips, pulling away and staring into her green eyes. 

"Sorry about that, Tenny bear..." Rantaro said with a suggestive voice. 

Tenko blushed deeply, covering her face with her hands. 

"Ahh...stop it...that nickname is so cringy..." Tenko whined, her voice muffled behind her hands. 

Rantaro gently took her hands off her face with his hands, looking deep into her eyes with a teasing smile. 

"I know. That's why I love calling you that...Tenny bear." Rantaro said, leaning in closer to her face. 

Tenko's eyes widened, squirming out of his grasp and leaping off the bed, having a bit of a scared look on her face. 

Rantaro was confused for a moment, but then he softened in realization. 

"I'm sorry, Tenko. I should have asked to get that close." Rantaro apologized. 

"I-It's ok." Tenko nodded, still blushing. "I should have warned you before hand. I'm glad I saved myself know..." 

"Flinging me across the room?" Rantaro said with a small laugh. 

"Y-yeah. It's not that I want's just my insticnt. I can't help it. I just get so scared...I'm so sorry..." Tenko said in shame. 

Rantaro got up and gently cupped the side of her face with his hand.  

"Hey...its ok. There is absolutely no reason why you should feel bad." Rantaro said in a comforting tone. "This is obviously going to take some time. And we both knew that going into this relationship. No matter how long it takes...I will wait until you're fully comfortable with me. And we've been making so much progress too! So please don't feel bad. Ok?" 

Tenko stared at him, then looked at the ground. She nodded without a word, looking back up resting her head in his hand. She sighed and closed her eyes. 

"Thanks, Rantaro." Tenko said gratefully. 

"For everything." 


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