10 Things I Love About You

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Rantaro and Tenko were cuddled up together in Tenko's room on her bed. It was Friday night, and they were having their usual cuddle session, since Tenko wanted to try and be more comfortable with long periods of touch. They were facing each other with their eyes closed, the only sound in the room being their soft breathing. They weren't asleep, but they were getting close. Tenko's eyes slowly opened and saw Rantaro's peaceful face. She smiled softly.

"For a male, you're really pretty." Tenko said in a slight whisper.

Rantaro opened his eyes and smiled softly.

"Aw, thanks, babe. I think you're absolutely gorgeous for a girl." Rantaro replied, leaning in closer and gently kissing her forehead.

Tenko blushed a little, grabbing his hand to hold it.

"That's one of the things that I love about you. You always one up me in compliments." Tenko gently squeezed his hand.

"And that's one of the things that I love about *you*. You always notice little things and appreciate them." Rantaro said, pulling her in closer to him.

"What else do you love about me? Because I can name at least 9 more for you!" Tenko stared into Rantaro's eyes.

"Yeah?" Rantaro smiled. "Well, for starters, whenever someone compliments you on your appearance, you usually deny it and say little things about yourself to explain why it's not true, when in reality it makes you all the more endearing. You're so passionate about everything. Even if it's something that's not that important to most people. You're so loyal, showing that your love and kindness doesn't end to people that you care about. Your laugh is so cute that I wish that I could always make you laugh. You're courageous and fierce. Your energy is usually enough for the both of us when it's hard for me to keep going on some days. You never give up. You keep on trying and trying until you get what you want, and it doesn't matter what you have to do to get it. And you're just....really cute. But you're also definitely not afraid to fight. But the thing that I love the most about you....Is just you in general. I love all of you. Because you're just so amazing." 

Rantaro leaned in to her face for a sweet kiss on the lips, pulling away after a few seconds. 

Tenko just stared at Rantaro after the kiss, her eyes filled with pure love and admiration towards her sweet boyfriend. 

"I don't know how I can beat that..." Tenko said with an embarassed smile. 

"What? Aw, don't say that! It's not about beating me, it's about you speaking from your heart. What are nine other things that you love about me?" Rantaro said, playing with her hair a little. 

"....Well...You're always so gentle." Tenko began. "It makes me feel special for some reason. And you're always so kind and patient. Even with my...problem, you're still here with me, and always making sure you don't cross any of my lines. It feels like you're so good at everything. I know it's obviously not true, but it definitely feels like it. You're really handsome. And you're the first male who...wanted to understand me instead of running away from me. I love your laugh, too. It makes my heart shine with happiness everytime. Your smile is always so sweet, like it's always reassuring me that I can always be comfortable with you. And you're always so willing to help me. Instead of it just being my problem, it becomes our problem. But the thing that I love the most about you...." 

Tenko started to tear up. 

"IS HOW MUCH YOU LOVE MEEEE!" Tenko sobbed loudly. 

Rantaro chuckled softly and held her close, comforting her. 

"That's right." Rantaro said, resting his chin on her head. "I do love you. So much." 

"I love you too-hoo-hoooo!!" Tenko continued to cry. 


After a while, Tenko was done crying, and they were still cuddling. 

"Are you feeling better?" Rantaro asked, looking down at her. 

"Yeah, I feel a lot better." Tenko nodded. 

"I'm glad." Rantaro smiled. "I love you so much. And don't forget that ever, ok?" 

"How could I?" Tenko smiled back. "I love you so much, too. And don't forget it either!" 

Rantaro stared into her eyes. 

"I won't." Rantaro nodded. 

"I promise." 

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