Internet Buffs Season 1 Ep. 10 - Whisper Challenge (Script)

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The scene begins with the girls making a video in Kathy's bedroom.

Fern: Hey, everybody! I'm Fern!

Kathy: And I'm Kathy!

Fern: And today, we bring you-

Both (whispering): The whisper challenge.

Fern: Did you hear that? Good.

Kathy: The whisper challenge involves one player wearing headphones with music blasting, while the other player must say a sentence to the first player. The first player must try to guess what the sentence is.

Fern: Yes, and stick around 'til the end of the video 'cause we'll be mouthing a sentence for the audience to guess. Leave your guesses in the comments and if you get it right within the next week, you'll have a chance to win this (holds up game console) Xbox Series X console!

The girls cheer.

Fern: Brand new in the box!

Kathy: Alright, now that we've explained everything, let's get on with the video!

The video transitions to the girls sitting down. Kathy is wearing the headphones while Fern is scrolling through her phone to find a sentence.

Fern: I don't know what sentence to do.

Kathy: What?

Fern laughs.

Kathy (to audience): It's just Ariana Grande blasting through my ears right now.

Fern: I want to be your friend.

Kathy laughs.

Kathy: What?!

Fern: I want to be your friend.

Kathy: Literally, I have no idea.

Fern: I want...

Kathy: I... won?

Fern shakes her head.

Fern: I want...

Kathy: I want.

Fern: Yeah!

Kathy: Oh my gosh!

Fern: To be...

Kathy: Toopy? (Turning to audience) Like Toopy and Binoo?

Fern shakes her head.

Fern: To be...

Kathy: To be.

Fern smiles and gives a thumbs up. Kathy excitedly looks to the audience.

Fern: Your friend.

Kathy: Your freight.

Fern screws up her face. Kathy laughs.

Kathy: What? I don't know!

Fern: How would that make sense?

Kathy: What?

The girls laugh.

Fern: Your friend.

Kathy: Your friend.

Fern: Yeah!

Kathy cheers and takes off the headphones.

Kathy: So what was the full sentence?

Fern: I want to be your friend.

Kathy: Ohhhhhh, okay.

It cuts to the Fern with the headphones on. Kathy is looking through her phone.

Internet Buffs Season 1 Ep. 10 - Whisper Challenge (Script)Where stories live. Discover now