making friends (2)

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"Listen. No machine hum." An Asian boy stated from across the ship. He was sat next to a boy with around the same length hair and massive goggles sat on top of his head.

"Woah, that's a first." The goggle boy replied smirking slight light at the sudden adrenaline rush of them being on Earth.

Following along with everybody else , I un clicked my buckle and followed everyone else towards the ships exit.

Two out of three of the boys that got out of their seats ( I had learned from muttering around me since I slept through it all) had hit the side of the ship so hard they met their fate of death.

If we hadn't even stepped on the ground and 2 of us were already dead, how on Earth -no pun intended- were we going to survive?

As we all gathered down waiting for the door to open , sweaty bodies were pushing all around me , my hands beginning to shake.

This was the time I found out I am in-fact petrified of being in a massive mob of teenage delinquents.

My hands started to shake and my breathing became shallow, panic overtaking my senses.

This might sound dramatic to you, but on the ark there was no big crowds gathered in one spot- well none that I had been in anyway. Especially not in lock-up.

My heart began beating blood so furiously around my body so exceedingly fast that I felt as if though my fingers had their own heartbeats.

Because I was so unfocused on the world around me, I hadn't noticed that one averaged height brunette girl had stepped out onto the grass and led the other delinquents outside.

I was still stood stationary, my feet stuck to the ground, refusing to move.

I only snapped back into my own body when a curly haired boy - only slightly taller than myself had begun to talk to me, swiping a hand infront of my face.

"Hello? Are you coming out with the others? Are you even there?".

I figured that he had been stood there talking to me for about 30 seconds.

"Huh?" I asked , still out of it.

"Well uh- I noticed you were just sorta standing there shaking. I thought for a moment you were about to have a seizure or something." he joked , scratching the back of his head awkwardly like a kid who had just been caught stealing sweets.

"Oh, right." I replied. Making a conversation wasn't really my thing.

I guess looking back on it now , the way I worded my sentences may have not seemed the nicest but in all honesty, I had no interest in talking to this boy.

I began walking towards the end of the drop ship , stopping for a moment when I reached the end of the door , looking out at my surroundings.

Although the sun was glittering down on us, clouds were sat disordered and wild in the vivid sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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