Chapter Eleven.

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The last time Jesse was in the hospital for anything, he was with Mrs. Donnely finding out that his parents had been killed. He was only 10 when it happened and Mrs. Donnely, who was a surrogate grandmother to Jesse, took him in until her death last year.

Mrs. Donnely had in her will that Jesse could stay in her house while under the care of her son, Simon, but he was a curmudgeon and didn't like Jesse in the slightest. Simon was an only child and hated the fact that he had been saddled with a teenager. Jesse had promised Simon that he'd stay out of the way, take care of the garden and keep the house clean... Basically speaking, Jesse had become Cinderella to Simon and from there, that's how he met Kenzie, who in his mind, was his savior in more ways than one.

"Why didn't you tell me all of this from the beginning?" Kenzie asked as Jesse changed into his clothes in the hospital room bathroom so that Jeff and Kenzie could take him to Liz's where he would be living at least for now.

"It never came up." Jesse said weakly, opening the door.

His hair was ruffled and sticking up at odd ends. Half his shirt was tucked into his pants and his eyes were still very tired looking. He looked as though he'd been hit by a bus in other words.

"You could've told me when we were baking." Kenzie replied before chewing her nails.

"Can we not fight? I'm not in the mood." Jesse told Kenzie as he flopped back in the hospital bed he'd been confined to for the past few days while he healed enough to be discharged.

"I'm not trying to start a fight, I'm just curious as to why you didn't tell me any of this before now." Kenzie replied.

Jesse was about to say something else to her when Jeff walked into the room announcing to the teens that they could all leave and go home.


Back in Jeff and Liz's neighborhood, Liz had just fired up the grill after putting the final touches on the room that was to be Jesse's.

At first Liz had no idea about how to decorate the spare room she had for Jesse but thanks to Kenzie who had been texting back and forth with Jesse when he felt up to it, she was able to work her magic and make a space for the boy that he could feel safe in.

The bed she had was adorned with the comfiest pillows, freshly washed blue sheets and the bedside table, although bare for the most part, had an alarm clock radio on it that could also be used as a bluetooth speaker should Jesse wish to listen to music. It was also a charger which would come in handy. The room also had a fun little stack of books Liz had compiled that she thought that Jesse might like to read and the walls had been decorated with various types of beach photography ranging from sea creatures to the tall weeds you could find in the sandy dunes of some of Florida's beaches.

Not only that but the en suite bathroom had been stocked with all of the toiletries Liz thought Jesse might need and the best part, she had bought him the most amazingly soft bathroom towels, hand towels and bathmat so he wouldn't slip getting out of the shower.

The woman hoped that all of this would help Jesse feel welcome and like someone cared about him enough to create his very own oasis should he need to escape from the world around him.

She wanted this room to be fully and completely Jesse's.

It felt really good for Liz to be able to help someone out. It was who she was after all.

"We're here!" Kenzie shouted as she, Jeff and Jesse walked into her house as previously arranged.

"Just in time. I just put the meat on the grill." Liz replied as she walked into the house from outside.

"I can tell. It smells way too good." Kenzie said with a smile.

"I'm glad. Now, can I get you guys anything to drink or should we let Jesse get settled and I can text you when the food is ready and you can head over?" Liz asked, looking at Jeff for his reply.

"I think we should let Jesse get settled and relax for a bit. What do you think Kenz?" Jeff asked.

Kenzie glanced over at Jesse and saw just how exhausted he truly looked. He almost looked like he could sleep for days. SHe felt bad for him. She knew how it felt to be unwell but to be put into a situation where you are staying with a practical stranger, she couldn't imagine how overwhelmed he must be feeling too.

"I think we should let Jesse settle in and relax." She said, giving her friend a warm smile.

Jesse smiled back albeit sleepily.

"Ok, sounds good. I'll text you when everything is ready and set up." Liz said as she walked Kenzie and Jeff to the door.

"See you in a bit." Jeff said, smiling at both Liz and Jesse.

"See you." Liz answered, watching the uncle niece dup walk back to their abode.

"Right, let me show you your room and then you can rest if you'd like and I can come and get you when everything is ready." Liz said as she turned to Jesse, who was looking around her house.

"Thanks." Jesse replied and followed Liz down the hallway and to his space where he just about burst into tears at how beautifully it was decorated just for him.

Jesse hugged Liz and held onto her. He felt so cherished in this moment and he was never going to forget it.


Pasta salad, Potato salad, Coleslaw, Garden salad, burgers, hot dogs, chicken, steak. All of these dishes sat on the picnic table in Liz's backyard. She didn't know what everyone liked for BBQ food so she decided to go all out and make everything, especially since Jesse had now moved in with her and was safe from the harm that the world could throw at him. It was a party...a welcome home party if you will.

Along with all those plentiful dishes sat a couple pitchers. One full of water and the other with Iced tea and of course if everyone wanted, there were sodas in the outside fridges and a few bowls of chips and other goodies....Ok, maybe it was a tad too much food but it would last for a while and Liz was thankful for that as she had always loved leftovers.

"You really didn't have to go to all this trouble Liz." Kenzie told her as the women watched the men tuck into their food and devour it as though they hadn't eaten in days.

"I wanted to. True I didn't know what foods you liked but this is special and I wanted it to feel special." Liz told the girl and Kenzie beamed.

"It means a lot Liz, so thank you. For everything." Kenzie said, not just about taking Jesse in but for being there for Kenzie when she needed another adult around other than her uncle.

"I agree, thank you." Jesse said as he swallowed the last of his hot dog.

"You are both welcome and seriously, let me know if there is anything else I can do." Liz said genuinely.

It was a very good for Jesse and he went to bed feeling so beyond loved, appreciated and cherished.

It was a summer that Jesse would never forget because he had met the people that meant more to him than anything in this world, even if he hadn't known them for very long. He could tell that they were genuine and wanted the absolute best for him and his life.

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