Chapter Three.

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The next morning, Kenzie woke up with a start as the sound of a blender was heard echoing through the entire house. Soon after that, Jeff could be heard shouting all sorts of profanity as he realized he had burnt the chocolate chip pancakes as well as the eggs. Kenzie groaned loudly and snatched the pillow out from under her head and placed it over her face as the shouting and clanging continued. It was way too early for all of this.

Eventually, Kenzie climbed out of bed and begrudgingly trudged into the kitchen only to be greeted with a cheery Jeff.

"Good Morning." He greeted as Kenzie glared at him and sat herself at the breakfast island.

"Too early." Kenzie mumbled, looking at Jeff with slight annoyance.

"Yeah well, I thought I'd make breakfast before we head out for the day." Jeff explained as he plated up the food.

"Make it or burn it?" Kenzie asked as she poked at a piece of somewhat blackened egg. Jeff let out a breath of air and waved his hand at his niece.

"It's not that bad." He replied with a playful pout. Kenzie wasn't convinced though.

"Why aren't you eating it then?" Kenzie sassed with a smirk.

Jeff simply shrugged as he took a drink of the smoothie he had made as well, but he instantly regretted it as the sour and tart flavor attacked his mouth with a vengeance which made Kenzie laugh at his reaction.

"I am so sending this to mom." Kenzie said through her laughs as she took a video of her uncle jumping around as though he was on hot coals, trying to absorb the brutal sour attack.

Jeff grunted at Kenzie in protest but he'd probably do the same thing if he was in Kenzie's position. It was pretty damn funny.

It took a minute before Jeff was able to calm himself and when he was standing still again, Kenzie handed him a cup of water so that he could rinse his mouth out.

"Thanks." Jeff said, before downing the rest of his water. Kenzie nodded and leaned against the counter.

"I'll tell you what, why don't we pick up breakfast and then eat it on the beach. My treat." Kenzie offered and Jeff smiled gratefully.

"I like the sound of that but you save your money. I'll buy it." Jeff countered and Kenzie smiled.

She appreciated all that he went through that morning trying to make breakfast for the both of them but he didn't need to. She was happy to just be spending time with him after being apart for so long.

"I'll go change and I'll meet you outside." Kenzie told Jeff, taking note of the fact that Jeff was already dressed and prepped for the day.

"Ok kiddo but please don't take too long." Jeff said as Kenzie moved away from the counter. She began walking away but then she stopped and turned back around to face Jeff again.

"Oh and don't worry about making breakfast for the rest of the summer, I'll do that." Kenzie said and before Jeff could reply, Kenzie hurried off to get ready.


A little while later, Kenzie and Jeff had eaten their breakfast and enjoyed catching up even more as they watched the beach dwellers go about their activities. When they had had their fill of talking and people watching, they headed towards Jeff's bait shop.

The bait shop was a quaint little building and fit in nicely with the other businesses and it was interesting to Kenzie why her uncle wanted to open it rather than the cafe he had told her about when he first moved to Boca.

He told Kenzie that he saw how many food places there were and he saw just how popular they were and decided that he wanted something quieter, so he chose a bait shop since it was mainly all the older people that wanted to fish and do something that wasn't too crazy.

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