Chapter 4

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"He is a man of courage who does not run away, but remains at his post and fights against the enemy." ~~ Socrates


Minerva administered the last of the Granger girl's blood replenisher potions. As she gently massaged Snape's throat to aid his swallowing, she wondered about his mental state if they were able to actually save him. Severus was a powerful wizard. Dumbledore had always told her how strong a mind their Potions Master possessed, 'One of the strongest minds I have ever come across, Minerva'.  She knew he was intelligent. His work in potions was truly masterful. He had created many healing potions and salves according to Poppy Pomfrey. She assumed he was physically strong from lifting heavy cauldrons all day. He was also a master duelist. She knew he was excellent at spell creation, according to Filius Flitwick, having created many charms as well as jinxes in his life. She had come to trust him over the years....until-- 

It was her duty to save him now...if he would allow it.


A heaviness pressed in around him, the dark was fading. The dullness of wherever he was, was leaving as well. He became more aware of his body. In its current frailty the weakness returned, the searing pain of the venom moving through his veins. Regret, sadness, remorse growing in his chest, breaking through the darkness like a hammer shattering glass. Why? To tolerate more indignities, a long painful recovery before the humiliation of a trial. Then, likely, public execution.  How was any of that justice?


"Please, Minerva."

The Hogwarts Headmistress laid his hand down at his side and sat up straight folding her own hands in her lap,

"It is the delirium and the nasty venom talking. When you are well, we can talk further if you wish."

The large black cat shook its head woefully,

"So I will live whether I wish to or not? What about my right to die with some semblance of dignity? That was Dumbledore's wish and now it is mine. I'm not even asking you to kill me as Albus had of me. That cursed snake has done the deed for you. Just leave me alone."

Minerva tutted,

"Hush now, boy. No more talk of dying."

The Headmistress wrestled with his words. Albus had asked Severus to...kill him? Harry had mentioned something of that...what was it? Oh yes, 'Severus had done everything Dumbledore had asked of him, including killing him.' Including killing him. As she sat in contemplation she made a mental list of what she actually knew to be fact,

*Severus was a Death Eater by aged ?17? ?18?

*Highly skilled Potions Master

*Turned against Riddle after the death of Lily and James Potter

*Given the Potions teaching position by the Headmaster

*Trusted unequivocally...indisputably by Albus Dumbledore

*Spy for the Order of the Phoenix

There it is! Spy! Dumbledore would never have trusted someone so completely if he did not have a bloody good reason. He had never waivered in his belief in Severus after the Potters' death even when the rest of the staff had voiced their reservations in the beginning. Had Dumbledore had some hold over Severus? Or had Severus been so loyal to Albus, from the time of Lily's murder, that he would do anything asked of him? Even grant the old man's wish to die by his hand?

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