Chapter 2

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The large boulders had gone. The forest spirit had gone. The panther wraith had gone. Perhaps an allegory for the not realising how precious something is until it was gone. Retrieving the body of Severus Snape so he could be laid to rest with dignity could apply. If anyone had cared enough to do such a thing.

But someone had cared and now they were standing in front of a dark earthen opening. The delicate tinkling sound of breaking crystal mingled with the wind. Minerva immediately identified the sound,

"The wards are crumbling."

Hermione's mind was racing a thousand miles an hour as she wondered,

"If Professor Snape was brought here and he was...dead, would someone take the time, or feel the need, to construct such elaborate wards? Those big boulders, in this forgotten place, should have been enough. No one would ever find him here. Someone was following instructions maybe?"

Minerva glanced over her shoulder at the young lioness of Gryffindor. Hermione Granger was 'the brightest witch of her age'.

"Interesting observation. Severus is...was a very intelligent man. He would have naturally considered his survival, escape --" The older woman fumbled slightly before taking in a deep breath and continuing, "Like in everything he did, Severus would have made a plan in case of his death".

A melancholy over took Harry, "He knew he was going to die?" He could relate.

Minerva tried to hide a sniffle, "Let us not get ahead of ourselves. Let's find him first. It doesn't do any good to get mired in speculation."

The sounds of the breaking wards ceased. Looking at one another, Minerva nodded and they stepped inside. A few meters in a great cavernous space spread out before them. The monolithic  steep damp walls climbed high above their heads, curving to form a natural ceiling that dripped into small rock pools littering the base. The salty smell of the sea rose from the water collected there. 

They walked cautiously, carefully over slick stones. Their footsteps like the dripping of the water, echoed, reverberating throughout the open space as if they were in some grand cathedral. Harry was mesmerised,

"This place is brilliant. How far back does it go?"

Minerva didn't answer, too focused on finding their way to Severus. Hermione recited in her usual precise manner,

"The cave systems in the Scottish highlands are said to be a vast network both above and below water level."

Harry ran a hand through his perpetually messy shock of black hair. He sounded worried, as if the cold North Sea would swallow them up at any moment,


Venturing deeper Minerva led the way. The cave funneled them into an upward sloping passageway that meandered one way and then the other as they traveled, becoming increasingly disorienting. 

A sudden rush of strong wind hit as black wisps of smoke swirled around them. More spirits? Minerva pressed down against her robes as their clothes were blustered about and their hair, especially Hermione's, twisted in the cold whirlwind rebuking the trespassers. Their startled shouts could not be heard above the vengeful gale.

Minerva placed her wand at her throat,


The windstorm calmed, faded and disappeared. Minerva brushed down the front of her battle-scarred robes,

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