Dance Zone Season 1 Ep. 12 - Popularity Zone (Script)

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The scene starts at Charlie's locker. Some girls walk up to her.

Annabelle: Hey, Charlie!

Charlie: Hey, how're you doing-

Charlie sees who's she's talking to and violently falls against her locker. Annabelle and her friends are the popular kids.

Charlie: Y-y-you're Annabelle Reitman.

Annabelle (proudly): Yes.. I am! We wanted to talk to you because we think you're super cool for being in a dance group!

Charlie: Really?

Annabelle: Really. We wanna hang out with you! Come to the mall with us after school. Meet me at my locker and we'll give you a ride. Bo can come, too.

Charlie: Okay!

Annabelle: Here's my number.

Annabelle and her friends walk away. Bo walks up, realizing what just happened.

Bo: Did Annabelle Reitman just talk to you?

Charlie: Yes! She wants to hang out with us after school! She thinks it's cool that we're in Dance Zone!

Charlie begins to cheer. Bo does nothing.

Charlie: Why aren't you excited?

Bo: Because I don't like the popular girls. They're so snobby and mean. They put everybody else down and think that they're better than all the rest.

Charlie: Oh, come on, Bo! It's the popular girls we're talking about here! This is our chance to be some of the coolest kids in school!

Bo: I don't care about that. I don't want to be associated with such nasty people.

Charlie: Fine! I'll go alone! And you'll be sorry!

Bo: I'm doubtful.

Charlie looks dreamily into the distance.

Charlie: Man, I can't believe I'm actually gonna be hanging out with the popular girls!

Bo: Just don't go too crazy with it. Popularity isn't everything.

Charlie: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ooh, I wonder what clothing stores they like to go to! I'm gonna look so much cuter hanging out with them! I mean, if that's even possible...

Charlie flips her hair.

Bo: Well, I think you'll fit in with their self-centeredness!

*Theme Song*

The scene cuts to the girls at the mall.

Annabelle: My favourite store is Carla's.

Charlie: I love Carla's!

Annabelle: Yeah, their clothes are super comfy, but stylish. I got this dress from there. We should see if we can get something nice for you!

Charlie: Absolutely!

Annabelle: Alright, let's go.

Charlie: So, what's it like being the most popular kids in school?

Annabelle: It's amazing. You can get any boy you want, and all the girls are jealous of you.

Charlie: That is literally my dream.

Annabelle: Well, if you hang out with us, it might come true!

The girls make it to Carla's.

Annabelle: Omg! (Talking to Charlie) That dress would look so nice on you!

She goes over to a pink dress.

Dance Zone Season 1 Ep. 12 - Popularity Zone (Script)Where stories live. Discover now