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Hey, so, the only other breaks I will take like this will be at the end of every book I finish. Not part, BOOK  okay? And sorry for taking so long off, it's just the end of the school year and y'know, big tests came up, and I tried to focus more. Alright, go ahead and read. 

     "Oh, if only they knew what tomorrow had in store for them, they'd be more interested in alarm clocks than their 'cuddling'." It said in the last...uhh part? Yes? Well, as the author of this crappy fanfiction, I felt I needed to elaborate on the fact that they really wouldn't be more interested in alarm clocks than cuddling if they had known what the future had been. I had clearly just put that down because I thought it sounded like a mysterious and vital foreshadowing moment, when it was just a bit of a heart attack that was headed their way, as you'll find out reading this, I suppose. Go ahead.

     It was morning when Sonic had woken up to the sound of a train outside. He sighed, making a small humming noise as he pushed himself up into a sitting position. He rubbed his eyes and looked over at Shadow. He was still sleeping, his back turned to the blue hedgehog. Sonic looked away, glancing around the room for his clothes, which he found. He got out of bed and wandered around for a bathroom, which he also found.

     He grabbed his old, dirty clothes, and even though the clothes were dirty, he put them on, just so he could make it back to his house without getting arrested for public nudity. He was about to go and use the restroom which he'd spotted a few moments ago, before he remembered it was a Tuesday. It was not just any Tuesday though. Today, all of the high schoolers had this important exam they had to take. "Finals..!" he exclaimed. All of a sudden, Sonic started panicking. He quickly walked over to the kitchen, where the stove could tell the time. He looked, it was 10:31 a.m...

     Sonic ran back to Shadow's room and started shaking him. "Wake up!" Shadow furrowed his brows slightly and groaned, "No, one round was enough." Sonic rolled his eyes and grabbed the blanket on the bed, dragging it off of the bed and out of Shadow's grip. "No, it's not that, we have our exam today!" The ebony's eyes shot open and he let go of the blanket, making Sonic tip over and fall. "What?" Shadow scooted over to his bedside table where his alarm sat. He looked at it and grabbed onto it, jerking it closer to him.

     "Why is it not on?!" the dark hedgehog asked, smacking it with the palm of his hand. By that time Sonic had stood up. "I need a ride, hurry up, get dressed. We're going straight to school, I left my things there yesterday, so we don't need to drop by my house." Shadow turned to him, already having dropped his alarm, and started putting his pants on. "Don't you need to change? What about your teeth and your quills?" he asked, buttoning his pants and grabbing a shirt from a hanger in his closet.

     Sonic shook his head, "I have my toothbrush and something to even out my quills with. The only thing I don't have is clothing. I'll be fine." The colorful teen started to put his shirt over his head. "No-...Here, just grab a pair of my clothes," Shadow insisted, "it's bad enough we can't take showers. You don't need to be going to school with the same clothes too." The black hedgehog grabbed a shirt and pants for his guest, and threw them at him, walking off to the restroom as he finished pulling the hoodie he had, over his stomach.

     Sonic shrugged and took his previous shirt off, and Shadow's shirt on. After getting the shirt on, he put the baggy jeans on. It wasn't his usual look but at least the clothes were clean and smelt like buttercream icing. He slid them on by the time Shadow came back out of the bathroom. "Alright, go ahead and brush your teeth, even your quills, I'll be out on my bike." The ebony left the room and Sonic went ahead to the bathroom, getting ready as fast as he could. Finally, once he was done with his quills, after cleaning his teeth, of course, he went outside to see Shadow on his phone, texting.

     "Alright, let's go," the blue teen said, jumping onto the bike. The dark hedgehog stuffed his phone into the back pants pocket of his jeans, and started his vehicle's engine, taking off as soon as he could. They got to the school by 11:34, rushed in, and got to their classes. They could take their tests, fortunately, because the school had a two-hour delay due to a minor flood near there. They were ten minutes late, according to their teachers, which somehow got Sonic a lunch detention because his teacher believed he was lying about sleeping in late. 

     Sonic sat down in a seat next to Amy, and soon he was jotting down answers on his papers. As he started on the third page though, he started getting hand cramps and kept stopping from the pain. He popped his fingers and massaged his hands consistently, getting back to his test right after the pain stopped every time. However, Shadow's time during testing didn't really have any issues. He did have hand cramps, but he ignored them, wincing every now and then.

     Soon, testing time was over and the school would start class rotations, leaving fewer minutes for each class. Nothing had really happened until seventh period when Knuckles had threatened to beat the shit out of Sonic after his cigarettes went missing again. Eventually though, it had gotten to the end of the day and the two newly paired friends walked outside to the parking lot together. 

     They were having a decent, friend-like discussion until Amy walked over and between the two, asking why Sonic wasn't at his house that morning. Sonic apologized for being absent, but never explained why he wasn't there, obviously trying to prevent her from finding out about Shadow and Sonic's new-found, beneficial friendship for whatever reasons of his own. Amy discarded the fact that he ignored the part when she asked why he wasn't at his house, just because it was normal, him being involved in people's sexual lives and all.

     "So, are you driving home with me today?" Amy asked, glancing at Shadow once or twice trying to think of why he was so cooled down around Sonic today. Having content conversations with Sonic wasn't Shadow's thing as far as Amy could tell. "Oh, I thought I locked my house's door last night... Did I not?" Sonic cocked a brow and looked around the parking lot for his vehicle.

     Amy didn't have a vehicle, so most times, Sonic would drive Amy to school, but when he was sick or something to that degree, Sonic would just give her the keys. Amy shook her head, "No, you did lock your door, I just needed a way to get to school, and seeing you weren't home  around the time we had to get going, I climbed in through your bedroom window and snatched the keys. I did think about you first, but I figured you'd get a ride with whoever's house you were staying at." She tossed his keys at him once he'd put his eyes back on her. He caught them barely as he juggled them around for a few seconds.

     Sonic glanced at Shadow and looked at Amy, back at his keys, seemingly contemplating a choice between something. He wanted to tell Amy  about the friendship, but at the same time, he wanted to spend more time with the ebony hedgehog. This was when he started questioning things a lot more. "Was he seriously considering a beneficial friend over his BEST friend", "That would make him look like a jerk and a sore loser to Ames who he hasn't really talked to in the past day which wasn't normal for them", "Would Amy forgive him for it"

Those were some main thoughts the azure teen had thought, but regardless of his love for his best friend, he wanted to spend, just...ONE....more night with Mr. Weirdo.

Okay...So I actually finished this crappy part earlier, but I did say until next month, so here we are... Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long.....Anyways, bye, love y'all, writing to y'all on SUNDAY

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