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Hey, Idk if this part will be more interesting than the last, so be prepped. Oh, and I've been obsessed with this new game lately, it's called, "A Dance with Fire and Ice"...Has anyone else played it?

     I was watching TV last night, with Rouge, a friend. She was a Junior too and worked at the same place I did, we had barely any classes together, however, we did share afternoon shifts. I sent her home after watching the two-hour-long movie. She was a friend, but it didn't mean she was nice. The last two times I had her over for a night, some of my watches went missing. Aside from the fact she's a thief and my friend, she came across our big red nuisance yesterday. He had apparently tried to flirt with her and get her to do some dirty shit during classes.

     I sat up on my couch, having woken up a while ago, then shifted and turned to a more correct position on the seat. I sighed, rubbed my eyes, and stared at the wall before me. The information she'd gotten was surprising. The jock had seen Rose, me, and Rouge talking one day, and went to her to maybe get some dirt on Rose. She'd told me the jock was planning to do something soon, and something cruel. She said she didn't really know what it was, but I had a feeling she did, she just was hinting that she had wanted to be paid for the rest of the huge echidna's plan.

     I stood up, starting dizzy, gradually getting steadier as I walked to my kitchen. Once at the entrance, I looked around, seeing everything still there. The only other place that Rouge went other than the bathroom and my living room was my kitchen. After glancing around for anything different, I went to the corner of the room to my coffee machine. I grabbed a clean mug to the side of it and placed it on the dip tray. I grabbed my coffee grounds bucket and grabbed a coffee filter. I filled the coffee filter, put it into the coffee machine, and then pressed start.

     I turned around and leaned against the counter; I stared at my small fridge as I thought about my current situation at school. I didn't know what I was feeling for the blue hedgehog. I kept thinking it was irritation at first for the simple fact he stared at me and asked if he could go with me, now though, I've started to think it's not really irritation that's caused by him, really. I've concluded that I'm angry at myself. Angry at myself for taking a slight liking to him. I'd never admit that to him though. 

     If I ever did admit that to him, I would be in too much of a drunken state to stand. I kept thinking about scenarios with the blue teen when I noticed the noise of the coffee rapidly dripping into my mug stopped. I pushed off of the counter and turned around, it was as if my coffee had been magically filled within seconds. I sipped the coffee; it tasted fresh and strong as always. I sighed and walked into my living room. Coming to a stop, I stared out of the gigantic window that was placed awkwardly next to my front door. It was one of the few beautiful mornings you spotted in this particularly boring town on a Saturday.

     Taking another sip, I turned around and walked to my couch, which I sat down on. I picked up my remote and turned the TV on. I was on the Saturday morning cartoons channel, but I switched to Fox 59 News and watched it for the remainder of the morning. After noon, I realized I was late for work. Although, the only reason I noticed is because I got a text from my boss asking where I was. I immediately rushed to get ready. After throwing on some light layers of clothing, I sprinted outside and got onto my bike. I started the engine immediately and sped off. 

     After a few minutes, I stopped at the Starbucks and put my kickstand up, rushing to get inside and at the back where my apron was. On the way, I ran into my boss. "Where were you?" she asked. I sighed and looked at her, "At my house, Sally. I didn't realize it was past twelve. Sorry, I won't do it again." I apologized, she looked baffled when I walked away from her without staying for another one of her, "Take this job seriously", lectures. I scurried off to my apron and grabbed it. I put it on quickly and went to look at some of the orders nobody was working on at the moment.

     One was a Frappuccino with a caramel drizzle and chocolate chips. I got to work, eventually getting the cup done I hollered, "One Frap with caramel drizzle and chocolate chips!?" My eyes glanced around the room for anyone who was heading this way. Surprisingly cliche enough, I noticed a familiar blue hedgehog make his way with joy in his eyes. "Thanks, hottie." He said, winking at me as I rolled my eyes. "My pleasure." I remarked sarcastically, turning and about to walk away when he uttered, "Wait-!...Umm...I think we got off on the wrong foot when we first uhhh...interacted with each other.."

     I sighed and turned back around, "Look, we'll talk about this some other time. We've got customers...How did you even know where I work?....What does it matter, I've gotta work. So, bye." I stared down at the disappointment on his face as he started to turn, "Alright then, see ya." I kept my eyes on him as he took a couple of steps away. I was going to hate myself for this, but deep down, I wanted to be closer to him for some reason. "...How 'bout at five? That's when I get off my shift." I suggested, his ear twitched my way. I could've sworn I saw his face had gotten wider at my words, but I couldn't know for sure if he'd smiled or not. "Alright, see ya then. Can't wait," he said without turning around. He walked out of the store and Rouge came and tapped me on my shoulder. 

     "That your boyfriend, Shad?" she teased. I rolled my eyes and turned, gently pushing her out of my way. "No, just Rose's friend. His name is Sonic." The bat furrowed her brows, not particularly angry, but probably thinking. "Isn't he that man-whore that won't stop sleeping with all the high school students?" She asked, relaxing her eyebrow muscles a little and just raising one. "Not all, just the guys, I'm sure," I say, wondering myself if he's ever slept with a woman. Rouge took a couple of seconds before replying with a smug smile. "Oh? Why Honey, if I knew any better, I'd say he was tryin' to get some fresh ass." My eyebrows lowered, completely resting, activating my RBF as I felt a little annoyed. I know I didn't tell her about that one evening with him, but I couldn't help but feel like she could read my mind. I also reminded myself that it hadn't really mattered that she thought I had slept with him anyway. So, what she got the facts wrong? I don't care and will continue not to.

     "That's maybe it. Maybe not, who knows." I grabbed another cup, working my magic for another order again as Rouge did. We stopped talking for a while until it was four-thirty p.m. or close to that. We had a little chat about the jock she ran into, and we eventually went back to work. Finally, it was five, and my shift was over. I had forgotten about the exchange between me and Sonic until he showed up outside of the Starbucks doors. "Hey, Shadow," he said, making me jump a little. "Oh, hey," I replied with more of a monotone voice than a polite one, but he still answered back with excitement. "So, uhh...Where should I start..heh.." I looked at him as he leaned against the building's wall. 

"Wherever you want to. I'm willing to be here however long you need to explain as long as this conversation doesn't take until nine." I remarked, also leaning against the wall, beside him. I could tell as he started nervously, that this was going to be some form of a request to do something with the two of us interacting in some way.

Hey, so this took forever, sorry for not publishing sooner, but hey, it's still Sunday so I accomplished something, hah. I'll upload next week again. Probably on Sunday, bye.

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