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Lol, I don't know

     It was already the start of the school day, the weekend after Sonic noticed Shadow. 'The weird kid', they called him, Sonic had probably known him as that, not Shadow. The dark hedgehog, in class, thought of a certain memory from the last school week, over the weekend, and the current day. 

"Well, that was rude, I'm sitting here complimenting you, and you don't even say thanks." Sonic pouted.

"Well, it's rude that you only plan to sleep with me because you want to brag about having slept with all of the guys in your grade and up," Shadow replied, already plotting the other's funeral.

"I didn't catch your name," he stated, grinning.

"Good," the ebony replied coldly.

     It would probably be hard to get his name, as not many called him that. Shadow thought that, if the blue one was to ask too many times, he would just tell him, it wasn't a big deal. He was sure that he would never agree to sleep with him though. If he kept declining Sonic's requests, he would eventually leave him alone and stop thinking about it. Or would he? Shadow didn't exactly know him, personally, he didn't know how hard he would try. Now wasn't the time to think about it, though he couldn't get distracted while doing a test.

     He had one side of the test page done, and the other side only had two more questions on it. He focused more on that for the next few minutes before turning it in and thinking of Sonic again. The bell rang, eventually, and students gathered their stuff to leave their first period. Shadow was still thinking of the blue hedgehog, he couldn't help it, Sonic was certainly an interesting piece of his life at the moment. He couldn't help but feel like he knew the flirtatious teen, despite only interacting with him once or twice...ten times? Sonic was unusual for Shadow. He officially left his first period, heading for his second when, ironically, Sonic popped up.

     "Hey, handsome." he greeted, with a confident grin. Shadow glared at him and replied with a low grumble and then, "Don't call me that, you don't think I'm handsome." Sonic raised a brow, but smiled, "You're right, I think you're absolutely gorgeous." he remarked, walking with the ebony into his next-period class. Shadow rolled his eyes and set his things down on a desk. 

     "You don't think that, either. Do you think that sleeping with every guy in the school will get you a reward? No. No, it won't... I find it weird that you'll wanna brag about it. What do you think employers would say when they found out you slept with all of the high school men, here?" Shadow scolded slightly and turned to look Sonic in the eyes.

     "They won't. Well, I don't think, but if they do, all I gotta do is seduce myself into the job. Hell, maybe I'll work as a hooker." Sonic replied with a grin, while Shadow, leaning on his desk, showed slight disgust. "Whatever, leave me alone." Sonic's grin got wider, and he replied, "Not until I get what I want." Shadow rolled his eyes and felt relieved when Sonic looked at the clock and waved goodbye.

| After Class |

     After the second period, Shadow would be lying if he said he didn't expect Sonic to interrupt his thoughts about nonspecific things. "Hey." Shadow could hear Sonic say from behind him. "Leave me alone." He replied coldly, standing at his locker and trying to get it open. "You're funny," Sonic stated, leaning his back against another locker next to Shadow's. "What was funny about that?" Shadow rose a brow, annoyed, as he asked that question.

     "I won't leave. That's what's funny about it, good-looking." Sonic winked and grinned, sliding an arm around the ebony's shoulders, which caused Shadow to bend down slightly. "What do you want for you to leave me alone?" he grumbled, glaring at the blue hedgehog. "A one-night-stand." Sonic replied smoothly, "No."

Leave Me Alone | Sonadow | High School AU |Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang