Chapter 15

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The soft murmur of waves crashing against the shore provided a serene backdrop to Ashley and Grayson's supposedly relaxing vacation in Mallorca. Ashley stood by the ocean, her feet close to where the waves would meet the sand. The golden orange and radiant pink hues of the sunset invigorated the setting. The scenery was so beautiful, if only she was able to truly enjoy it. She felt the eyes of her boyfriend watching her from the window to their rental. Tension hung thick in the air between them, palpable even amidst the picturesque setting of the beach resort. Ashley found herself constantly glancing at her phone, her mind clouded with thoughts of the media storm and the strained dynamics with Grayson. In the duration of the trip, their conversations felt forced, peppered with awkward silences that spoke volumes about the underlying unease. They dared not to fight, because neither Ashley or Grayson had the energy to. Grayson tried to maintain a facade of normalcy, but Ashley could sense the cracks in his composed demeanor. The vacation, meant to be a romantic escape, felt more like a futile attempt at a fragile truce in the midst of a tumultuous storm. 

Meanwhile, back in Richmond, Jamie scrolled through his phone, his eyes fixed on Ashley's social media posts from the vacation. The carefully curated images of Ashley and Grayson smiling for the camera painted a picture of bliss, yet Jamie couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that gnawed at him. The comments under the posts ranged from congratulatory to speculative, with fans and followers dissecting every detail of Ashley and Grayson's public display. 

@ jenniejrricher: They are so cute together. Literal definition of goals. 

@ luccianostan1989: This seems so forced, they should just break up. #FreeAshleyMovement

@ sandrasunnyside: I love them together. They're both so hot.

@ velvetvoyager: Jamie>>>

@ dreamsofgrayson: Ashley is a SLUT CHEATER! Grayson does not deserve that.


Jamie's jaw clenched as he read through the comments, the sense of distance growing palpable even through virtual screens. As the days passed and the vacation unfolded, Jamie focused on preparing for the upcoming regular season. The start of training brought a sense of routine and familiarity, grounding him amidst the whirlwind of emotions and uncertainties.

When Ashley returned to work after getting back from Mallorca, the atmosphere at the training ground felt charged with anticipation. Both the Men's and Women's teams were gearing up for their first game of the regular season, and the energy was palpable among the players and coaching staff. As Ashley stepped onto the field, her focus shifted from the turbulent vacation to the upcoming match. The familiar routine of training provided a temporary respite from the personal turmoil she was experiencing. She threw herself into the drills and exercises with renewed determination, channeling her emotions into her performance on the field.


As a month passed, Jamie and Ashley had barely interacted, save for a few polite smiles and eager waves in the hallways of the Richmond facilities. Their focus remained on their respective teams and the upcoming game that marked the start of the regular season. The Lady Greyhounds had been training tirelessly, fine-tuning their strategies and honing their skills for the crucial match ahead. Ashley poured herself into every training session, her determination fueled by a desire to prove herself on the field and set aside the distractions of her personal life.

Jamie, too, threw himself into his training with fervor. The Men's team had its own challenges and expectations, and Jamie was determined to lead by example. However, amidst the rigorous training and preparations, thoughts of Ashley lingered in the back of his mind, a constant reminder of the unresolved tension between them. Despite their best efforts to maintain a professional front, the absence of genuine interaction weighed heavily on both Ashley and Jamie. The occasional text messages they exchanged were polite but lacked the warmth and familiarity they had once shared. During one of the final training sessions before the game, Ashley found herself glancing over at Jamie's team. He looked focused, his determination evident in every move he made on the field. A pang of longing swept through Ashley as she remembered the camaraderie they had shared during their time together, a stark contrast to the current distance between them. 

After training, Ashley lingered on the field, lost in her thoughts. Jamie noticed her from a distance but hesitated to approach. The unspoken tension between them hung heavy in the air, creating an invisible barrier that neither knew how to breach.

As the sun began to set on the eve of the game, Ashley and Jamie found themselves in the same vicinity once again. Their eyes met briefly, a silent acknowledgment of the complexities that had arisen between them. A mix of emotions flickered in that fleeting moment – regret, longing, and a tinge of sadness for what had been lost. Jamie gingerly made his way over to Ashley. 

"Hey." He spoke. 

"What's up?" Ashley responded, trying not to be too excited that they were finally talking. Jamie looked around the scenery. 

"I don't see any sneaky cameramen around, which means we can finally be friends again."

"We were never not friends, Tartt." 

"How have you been?" Jamie broached their first real conversation in a while with caution.

"Good...busy...just been trying to focus on the upcoming season."

"Oh yeah, same here. Got the first one tomorrow. You guys have a game tomorrow too, right?"

"Yeah, versus Manchester City."

"Ooh, you better win. Wish I could be there."

"You'd better not...especially after last time." she relayed, but what she really meant was I wish you could be there too. A beat of silence followed her comment. Sensing the conversation was wrapping up, Jamie continued: 

"I just wanted to tell you..." Jamie hesitated. "Good luck, I guess. Yeah, good luck tomorrow with everything."

"I never need luck, Tartt. But you might for your game." There was that same old Ashley with her usual banter. 

"See you around, Ash-leigh." 

"See ya!" She gathered her things and walked to the locker room. 

And as both of them drifted to sleep in their respective beds that night, instead of ruminating on the important games that were to be played tomorrow that both of them had been so adamantly focused on, both of their minds danced with thoughts of each other. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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