3. Lost between realms: Part 2

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Finally, they arrived at Moriarty's manor, passing through the gates which stood in front like vigilant guards, promising mystery and adventures yet to unfold. The manor stood proudly, safeguarding the Moriarty legacy and murmuring tales of bygone eras.

William stepped out of the carriage first, followed by Yuu. He extended his hand to assist Yuu in descending from the carriage, saying, "My lady."

Yuu didn't expect this level of courtesy, being unaccustomed to such gestures. Hesitantly, she offered him her hand and stepped out of the carriage. "Thank you, William," she said with a warm smile. Lastly, Victor stepped out of the carriage.

Despite it being nighttime, the moon framed the Moriarty Manor, leading Yuu's eyes to keenly scan its exterior. The mansion, constructed with brick and featured numerous wide windows adorned with curtains. Some rooms emitted light. As they approached the doors, Yuu lifted her head and noticed the Moriarty family crest atop the building.

As the trio entered the Moriarty threshold, they were greeted at the doors by William's brothers who still were not sleeping and were waiting for him to return home.

"What do we have here?" one of William's brothers asked, intrigued, raising his eyebrows.

"What happened, William, that you've brought guests here in the middle of the night?" the other brother asked, concern evident in his eyes.

"No need to be concerned, my dear brothers. Let's first go inside and have some tea; the night air is chilly."

As they entered the manor, Yuu returned William's coat, offering him a grateful smile. They settled into a spacious living room adorned with antique furniture, where it seemed many important individuals had once gathered, their whispers and secret conversations echoing in the air. The ceilings boasted the finest wallpaper craftsmanship, while old paintings adorned the walls, exuding timeless charm and welcoming visitors with their rich history. Candles illuminated the room, casting a soft glow that complemented the grand chandelier hanging from the ceiling, creating a relaxed atmosphere. In one corner stood a fireplace, its presence lending a sense of warmth and pride to the space.

One of William's brothers took charge of preparing the tea, filling the room with the delightful aroma of green tea - a perfect blend to prepare for what lay ahead and to soothe their confused hearts. Finally, they all settled into the room: Albert and Louis shared one sofa, while the twins occupied another opposite them, surrounded by the table. William settled into an armchair, breaking the silence with his words.

"Well then, let me introduce my brothers," he gestured towards them. "This is my older brother, Albert, and my younger brother, Louis." Both of William's brothers exuded an air of intelligence, and Yuu observed them keenly. Albert, the elder sibling, possessed brown hair and green eyes, while Louis, the youngest of the trio, had blond hair and scarlet eyes.

"The pleasure is mine to meet you, Yuu and Victor," Albert nodded politely.

"Likewise, it is nice to meet you two," Louis chimed in, nodding politely.

Yuu and Victor nodded in acknowledgment. After the introductions, William briefly explained the earlier events. As he spoke about the incident and their current situation, Yuu tilted her head to observe him closely. In the light, she could fully observe his features. His appearance bore a resemblance to Louis, with blond hair and scarlet eyes, but the aura surrounding him was not only one of intelligence but also shrouded in mystery, intriguing her.

"As for the other part of the story, as far as I can gather from their dialogues, they claim to be from a different era," William concluded his explanation. "This may indeed sound crazy, but they had interesting devices that I have never seen before. Therefore, I hope we can work together to sort things out and offer them assistance, as they seem a bit lost."

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