Bryan Headcanon (Origins of Olympus)

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Bryan blasts Lydia the Bard covers/songs.

He mainly likes to blast We Don't About Bruno (Mirabel's Villan Song), So this is Love? (Cinderella's Villain Song), Tale as Old as Time (Belle's Villain Song), Touch the Sky (Merida's Villain Song), I Won't Say I'm In Love (Meg's Villain Song), and For the First Time in Forever (Anna's Villain Song).

I Won't Say I'm In Love, and For the First Time in Forever, because he felt a connection to these villain songs, in the sense of, being burned, too many times, by those he trusted, and loved. And instead of continuing to wait, for love. These villain songs, talk about taking control, and leaving the idea of love, behind. Or that, love isn't worth it, when it just burns you.

Touch the Sky, because being forced to live a life expected of you, isn't going to end well, for anyone. Being forced to, act, and do things, that you don't consent to, is only going to burn you, in the end. Freedom comes with a price, this is true. But, expectations, also come with a price. If you try to force someone, into a role, that doesn't fit them. That person, is likely to lash out, in order to gain their freedom in their life, once more.

Bryan, would feel a connection to this song. Because, both, the Seductive Rose, and Camp Oasis, have controlled too much us his life. The Seductive Rose, possessed/controlled him, in Season 1. And in Season 2, Bryan spent the remainder, of his life, leading up to his death, dedicated, to showing he was a new person, and that he changed, for the better. Only to continue to be, outcasted, and treated as evil incarnate.

Bryan has never, really, been free, to live his own life. Free from expectations. So, he feels a connection to this song, because he can see that, if things didn't change for the better, in his life. That he could have, likely, snapped, and sought after freedom, from the chains in his life, in the wrong way.

We Don't Talk About Bruno, because he felt the connection of being underestimated. And being underestimated, can have consequences. Especially, when people expect you to take it. And expect you to always be there, to pull their weight, but never get that same support, in return.

So this is Love?, and Tale as Old as Time, because just waiting, and expecting to find love, has also, burned him, many times. He's just wanted to love someone dearly, and be loved, in return. But, love has burned him, many times. And, one can snap, because of that.

Feedback, would be appreciated if anyone has listened to the Lydia the Bard, villain song covers!

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