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"What do you mean by this way" how many time must you keep disappointing me and give me what I want" said Tony.
"I know, I know, I'm wrong I'm sorry, I will keep try pa I will not let you be disappointed again" you have been saying that to me for 14 years Way" I've assigned you to court the boy for years, and you don't seem to get any closer" said Tony
(He goes up to ways face and Slaps it so hard, that way falls to the grown as Pete and Kenta watch and stand there)
"Somtimes I wonder if you are even worth my time an effort, get out of my sight go home remember who you belong too" said Tony as he left the room.

(Pete and Kenta Quickly picked up Way and made there way to their home)
"I don't know how much more of this he can take Pete out dad is cruel and if he doesn't get what he wants we are all dead" said Kenta. " You don't think I know that, that we both know that just go home and stay with your beloved father " said Pete Angirly

(Kenta leaves and the boy attend to Way's wounds)
"Are you still mad at me" ?asked Way. "Im not mad at you I'm mad at myself" said Pete. " Why Pete" replied Way.
" I want to protect you better than now, I wanted to kill him for what he did to your beautiful face, I don't know how much more of this we can hide" said Pete. " As long as you are with me we will be fine and we will be okay", eventually we will be at peace Pete, no one will get in the way of our true happiness and freedom" replied Way.

"I love you, so much Way" said Pete
"I love you too. Pete" said Way


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