Chapt 1. RAt meet Boy

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Since Ratatatou was rather big for a rat he had no problem reaching the handle of the restaurant's small door, and as soon as he opened it he was hit with a wave of fresh and delicious smells. This was incredible, unlike anything his tiny nose had ever sniffed. Back home he used to indulge in great meals created with the finest trash in Pah-Ree, but it was still nothing compared to the smells this small building emanated. 

"It smells good, doesn't it?"  the voice again. "Yes, it does". 

"You should go inside and cook something. The place is empty, you'd have the entire kitchen to yourself"

But despite the voice's persistence something felt was still dark out after all, probably around 1am, so how come the kitchen lights were on? How come the restaurant smelt of freshly cooked meals? He quickly shook off his worries though as soon as he smelt a particular plate of food across the room from him. No...could it be? SPAGHETTI !

Ratatatou hadn't had anything to eat in quite some time, after all the past week was quite hectic for him. Without thinking at all, he stumbled into the dimly lit dining room which was illuminated only by candle light and climbed on top of a round table with a red and white checkered cloth. Placing his bloody kitchen knife down next to him, he dug his tiny paws into the plate, but he quickly took a step back.

 "Ugh...what the hell, the taste doesn't match the profile at all..."

 he said,  disappointment appearing on his face. 

"Is it that bad?"

 questioned a man who was standing behind him in the darkest corner of the room.

"'s not that it's terrible, it's just bland as fuck.."

 He answered without thinking. It took the rat a few seconds to realize he wasn't talking to the voice who insisted he entered the restaurant this time.

 " Who are you ?"

 he questioned, picking his knife back up and pointing it in the man's direction. The man turned the lights on which revealed his orange hair, freckles, and freakishly big nose. 

"My name's Lin Gee Weenie, and this is my restaurant, so I should be the one asking you that."


 replied the rat 

"My name is Ratatatou, I was traveling through the area and something about your restaurant was... let's say "calling" me."

 He didn't wanna tell the guy he just met that he hears strange voices on occasion, and one guided him to basically break into his restaurant and go on a cooking frenzy at 1 in the morning. He might think he was crazy! He noticed Lin Gee Weenies eyes were fixated on the bloody kitchen knife. 

"It's not human blood" 

He said, smiling and lowering the weapon. He hoped this would erase any fears he had and maybe get him to trust him a bit. 


 replied Weenie, walking up and cautiously joining the table with the rat. Then the questioning began;

"Where'd you come from?"

 "Dont wanna talk about it" 

 "Where are you heading?" 

 "Don't know"

 "whose blood is that?" 


Ratatatou scowled. If there was one thing Ratatatou absolutely hated in the world it was those rodents. Despite being a rodent himself he just couldn't stand mice, even their name being brought up put him in a bad mood. Ratatatou understood why he was getting asked all these things, I mean It would only make sense to question him since he basically trespassed on this man's property without a valid reason, but he was getting bored of being interrogated and thought it was time for some questions of his own. 

"Anyways, now I have a question for you human boy."

 he waved the knife in Weenie's face again 

 "Why own a restaurant if you can't cook? At Least learn how to season for god's sake! This is the blandest, whitest food I've ever tried and I used to eat trash 24/7 a day !".

 "I was once a talented chef, you know,"

 Weenie Sighed. 

"Long ago, and by long I mean 4 months and two days ago to be exact, my father passed away. Just as his will and the restaurant were about to be handed over to me, an evil wizard (who was also a midget btw) cursed me to cook the blandest food in existence for the rest of my life, and then stole and locked up the will. Ever since then I've been working as a cleaning boy in my own fathers restaurant! The wizard owns the place now since he stole it from me and hid the will" 

He looks down at the grown, a defeated expression appearing on his face. The two sat in silence for a few minutes before Ratatatou spoke up again

 "I've got it" he announced, a grin appearing on his face,

 "i'll help you cook better food, and in return you give me a place to stay and free food to eat, deal?" He smirked, holding out his paw.

"Well, I don't know how a rats going to help me cook but anything's worth a shot at this point"

 He agreed, shaking the rodent's hand. And with that a new friendship was formed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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