01 ; awake

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The first thing I see when I open my eyes is Chuck snoring peacefully in his hammock next to mine. His curly brown hair falling over his forehead as his chest moves slowly up and down.

I smile at the sight of him and will myself to sit up in my own hammock, which takes more effort than it probably should. I look around at the four massive grey walls that surround me.

I quickly look away, not wanting to remind myself where I am.

It's the same routine every day. We get up, we do our jobs and we go to sleep, all whilst waiting for some sort of miracle to happen.

I swing back and forth in my hammock and look around.

The Glade consists of large wooden building in one corner that we call the Homestead. In another corner there's the Deadheads, a forest by where we sleep. There's the Gardens in the other corner and the Bloodhouse and animal pens in the next.

I swing my legs over to the side so they are dangling off the edge, my toes tickling the grass.

Finally finding the strength to pick myself up, I make my way across the village of trees and sleeping Gladers, stepping on a hand as I did so.

When I walk out of the thick forest everything comes into view. The different sized wooden buildings placed around the Glade; the few Gladers already up and doing their jobs. And then the Doors.

I walk across the Glade, towards the Kitchen. Frypan stands behind the bench, serving some sort of soup to the sleep deprived boys.

We all get assigned different jobs. Builders, Cooks, Sloppers, it just gives us something to do.

After choking down breakfast I make my way to my own job, a Med-Jack. Basically another word for a makeshift doctor.

Buried behind some deep green trees stands the Med-Jack's hut. I knocked twice and opened the door.

❝No work?❞I ask.

❝No work.❞ Clint replies. He's sat in a chair across the room, Jeff in another on the other side.

❝Okay, I'll be ou-❞ I begin, but get cut off by both of them.

❝Outside.❞ They say in sync. They give me a smile, which I then return and run outside again.

I go to a tree not far from the hut and sit with my back resting on it. I do this all the time if there's no work in the morning.

From across the Glade I see Chuck is up and trudging over to one of the toilets with a bucket and mop in his hands. He gives me a little wave and I wave back before he goes inside the little shack.

It's times like these when I feel a slight pang of anger rush through me. I think about how Chuck's life would've been if he wasn't here. He's only about 12 or 13 so he'd be at school or with his family, friends.

But instead he's stuck cleaning up after everyone because 'he can't do anything else', according to Gally.

I pick at blades of grass, the cool breeze gently hitting me as my back rested against the rough bark of the tree, and watched as life in the Glade went by.


okay 1st chapter, not very eventful but oh well :)

sorry this took so long omg

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