Ramblings 2

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You find yourself at an empty place, without an end and everything you see is. Is all you can get from it. If you stay there for too long, without knowing what time it is, what day it is, what month it is... Or even how many weeks you've been here. You're just waiting something to happen in front of you. The longer you wait, you lose your patience and your mind begins to spiral. You crave for one thing, you crave for more of it. You crave for more of something, till your hunger is fulfilled. Once that hunger is fulfilled, you no longer want what you once crave. You're just gonna look for something else.

You need something, you're gonna do whatever it takes to get it. If there's something missing, you would look for the answer. But if you've seen too much, all you want to do is hide from everything and abandon yourself. You look for a place to feel peace, but would you be at ease if you've been in the silence for too long? Or was it all there is for you to adapt to? At some point, we all are gonna need someone to lift us up. Or have ourselves to be lifted. I guess that depends on how well we handle it.

Wherever I go, all I see is people who are like trees. Trees are different right? Different leaves, colours and change throughout the seasons depending on where you are in the world. As said, people are like trees. You start off as something so small and grow into something huge. From one branch to having more branches and leaves that sprouts. Trees are reliant on the environment and naturally have a reaction towards it. If it doesn't get what it needs to survive, it dies. But would the other trees realize another tree dying? Probably not, for what reason? Did those trees have everything they wanted to the point that they don't have to show sympathy to any other tree? Hm perhaps plants is a better comparison to human beings. Needing sunlight, water, nutrients, bugs that can feed off its pollen? Have beautiful types of appearances, no matter what colour they are and what they look like. They're grown into what they are made to be, not by what they physically are.

Maybe animals are a better comparison to humans, always trying to survive and adapt to their environment. Some live, some die because it's natural selection. Imagine that nature tells you that you are chosen to live, lucky you! Now imagine if nature tells you that you are chosen to die. However you won't know how, until some creature becomes a bigger or smaller threat than you. Frightening wouldn't it? Not knowing how to process that information, there's a lot that we don't know. As much we strive for predictability from the unknown, we give up immediately. Because we will die before knowing everything else that's out there. How would we know if the insects wanted to die? They won't say it, but they will show it. Until they are called attention seekers by the others.

Besides that, Animals have different structures and maybe physical traits, I'm no a nature expert. So take all my claims as a grain of salt, you decide what sounds true you and what doesn't. Would it really matter though?

I guess my point was that, no matter what they are, who they are. They're just like you— oh I mean. They are better than you /s


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