Episode 8

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There was overlapped chatter in the room where the meeting would soon be held. Men stood around the long table which was central to the room. The buzz of talking soon turned to silence as Hatter commanded them away.

"If you are not an executive member, leave the room."

Hatter walked with ease towards the chair at the head of the table taking his spot with an air of intimidation, staring the down Aguni who placed himself in the opposite chair. Going along the table, on the left side, was Niragi, followed by two empty chairs and then Kuzuryū. On the right side, opposite Niragi was last boss who didn't sit down but instead leaned against the back of the chair, next to him was Chishiya, then me and finally Ann.

Arisu stood a way away from the table against the back wall, observing everybody. I glanced at him and connected our eyes until a movement beside me caught my gaze. Chishiya had lifted his hand out of his pocket to wave at Arisu with a small grin on his face which made me chuckle.

Chishiya normally seemed quite threatening but actions like this made me see him in a different light, so much so I leant towards him placing my mouth close to his ear and whispering "Making friends are we Chishiya?"

His small grin turned from being directed at Arisu towards me, apparently unbothered by the proximity I had created. His mouth moved slightly to indicate he was about to speak however the enticing voice of Mira snapped my attention away from the fake blonde.

"We took the Two of Spades. Six of Spades. Four of Diamonds. And the Two of Clubs." She gave a wicked smile to Hatter as she placed said cards in front of him on the table, however he paid no mind to her and instead focused on the cards, claiming them in his hands and cradling them as if they were a child.

"So far, the existence of any face cards has not been confirmed."

With this concluding statement the woman took her seat next to Kuzuryū leaving a gap between her and the threatening militant.

"If there are no face cards," began Kuzuryū "Then only the Ten of Hearts remains."

I looked towards the back wall where each discovered card had a large black cross painted over it and the majority had been found. The only remaining number card glaringly obvious amongst all of the crosses.

"If the ten of Hearts hasn't appeared yet, then maybe there's a reason for it. Perhaps it's not in Tokyo..." Ann mumbled the last part of her speech slightly, looking away from all other executives and I stared at her with mild concern. It seemed she was in her own world, and the comment that triggered this reaction made me worry about what ever idea she might be thinking of.

"No game arena has been found outside the 23 districts." Commented Kuzuryū shaking his head at the woman in front of him.

"That only means we haven't searched far enough." Countered Ann with an unwavering stare.

I took this disagreement as an opportunity to present my opinion and pointed out "Going beyond the regions that have been found to have game arenas would be a risky move. We don't know if Tokyo itself has a borderline much like the one within games and that may be why no games are played outside the confined 23 districts."

I felt eyes on me after I made this comment which made me shrink back into me seat slightly and play with my fingers.

A tired hum escaped hatter who lazily waved about his hand gesturing towards me.

"(name) is right. It is too risky and we're not changing the plan. The search for the other game arenas in Tokyo will continue. Keep an eye on visa expirations. Let's wait for the Ten of Hearts to show up."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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