Dialogue + the danger

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:info it starts from what she sees, there is 2 povs the girls and his, it is around 2020, this is fictional, has some smut, and things as that. It has a happy ending

: trigger warnings: murder, abuse, starving, death, smut, forced marriage

Do not read if you cannot handle these things

Chapter one: The danger
(Selias pov)

I won't up to commotion and I was so scared, I had no clue what to do and I did not know if I should leave my room or not. Eventually I decided to leave my room and go figure out what it was, when I left my room I saw a bunch of guards from god knows what standing around my tied up parents. When my mom didn't give an answer they shot her and i watched them shoot her again and again. I was so scared. I was trying not to cry my eyes out or I would blow my cover. Then I heard my dad blurt out 'take my daughter!! Leave me be just take her, that's how I'll pay my debt' I was so confused on debt that I knocked something over and blew my cover. I stood there frozen for what felt like an eternity. The guards walked over towards me and  they grabbed me and asked my father if this is the daughter he was talking about. He nodded and I was so scared, they knocked me out and took me away with them. I ended up waking up in a room with a balcony and a very nice view of the woods. It was around fall so the leaves were falling very nicely . I soon realized there was a man sitting in a chair looking at me. I asked him who he was and he did not respond all he said was 'boss she is awake' and right as the sentence was finished a tall dark haired man walked in, he was very handsome but I was so scared that I moved closer to the velvet headboard. He asked me what my name was and I said 'selia' he replied with a smile which resulted in seeing his bright white teeth and that they were all perfect unlike mine which has braces that cut up my lips a lot. He was muscular and had dark brown curly hair. He was wearing a suit and I asked him if he could leave and if that weird guy could too he ordered the guy to leave but he stayed. Which ultimately confused me but I just crushed it off, I asked him again if he could leave and he said no. I told him i needed to change and he said 'I'll turn around if that'll make you feel better' ultimately it did and I relaxed a little bit, I opened a drawer were I found a pair of jeans and a white shirt and some socks I put them on and told the man he could turn around now and he did. 'You look so lovely' said the strange man, I ultimately had to clue on what to say back so I just stayed quiet. All I thought about was how he was a gentleman and I honestly loved it even though I was taken away from my family because of my shit stained dad. But, I still had things I needed here so it was all okay for now. I think. I don't even know why I was taken away the only thing I know about is my dad had some sort of debt that he had to repay and all he did to repay it was give away his middle daughter. I was betrayed by my own father, I saw my mom get killed. I can't believe the things I've seen or the man who took me away did to my mom. What if he did the same thing to me, is all I want to know. I'm so worried and I have no clue what to do all I know is that I need to escape as quickly as possible, if I can.

His pov:

She's beautiful, I never knew someone so beautiful. She sleeps peacefully even when she's just been taken away from her family. I honestly can't believe her father would give her up just like that. She seems like such a sweet girl and she's so calm faced even when you can see she's terrified. I just hope she's willing to help repay her father's debt. She seems so sweet and she obviously is such a smart girl. I love her brunette hair and her blue eyes that sparkle because of the sunlight shining in. But the only downfall I have is I can't show the emotion I want to show with her. She doesn't know me and she has no clue who I am or what I do for work. I just pray she ends up knowing and she still is as calm as she usually is with me. Eventually while I was staring out into space she had walked out of the room and moved somewhere. I started to walk out and I found her in the kitchen. She asked 'do you have any food or what?' I told her 'I do have food but I have to make it' she said 'ok' and we both stood in the kitchen she watched me make her food with wide eyes and when it was finally done we both sat and ate the food at the breakfast nook. She asked me if she could get new clothes because the ones she had are to big and she needs something cuter. I agreed and gestured her to the garage, she walked towards and we both made it to the car, soon I opened her door and she hopped into the car and we left. We ended up making it to a Louis Vuitton but she insisted we left and go somewhere else. I said fine and we left, she chose where we went and she picked target, she got lots of soaps there and smell good items. Then we ended up going to old navy and kohls, she got alot of clothes there, many jeans and hoodies, some leggings, cropped shirts and lots of socks. I took her to a shoe store and she got lots of Jordan's, Nikes and heels. All that look beautiful on her already beautiful self. We eventually got home after not speaking the whole day and she asked where I slept. I told her 'in the bed you sleep in.' She looked confused but okayed my sentence with a nod. I prepared us dinner and we both ate peacefully, she snuck off and I didn't realize she was going to shower until I walked in on her showering, she didn't realize I was in there. I was so amazed by her she looked beautiful through the fogged up glass of the shower. I eventually started to talk and asked her 'do you want me to grab you a towel?' She got startled and I said sorry, she said sure I'd like a towel and so I got her one.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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