thirty four: wattpad

141 9 2

Taehyun slowly opens his eyelids to find him in Beomgyu's bedroom with dim lights. He turns to his side to find the space beside him empty and cold.

'What time is it?' Taehyun thought as he reaches for his phone on the night stand. He taps on his phone and it reveals to be almost midnight.

Taehyun lets out a sigh. He covers his eyes with his arms when suddenly his heart starts palpitating, as he recalls what he and Beomgyu did earlier. Can't believe sex was all it took to knock Taehyun out in an instant.

"Beomgyu?" He calls out but to no answer. He then examines the dim light room, the only source of light coming from the study lamp on Beomgyu's table. His laptop too, was left open, illuminating the room.

Taehyun winces in pain as he sits up. He forgot all about the pain in his lower back, dang, Beomgyu hit him pretty hard;

But, good. Too good.

Taehyun hops out off the bed and walks over to the lit up laptop to find a whole page of written words. Taehyun settles himself onto the chair and scans the website opened.


"It's the convention Hyuka and I went to, the other day." Taehyun mumbles to himself, remembering the time Kai dragged him to the horrendous and packed event.

'What the hell are these?' Taehyun thought to himself as he moves the cursor around the orange-white website, exploring the functions on Wattpad;

Search, Profile, Library, Write.


Taehyun suddenly feels unsettling the moment he drags the cursor over the button. He clicks on it and finds a lot of drafts and published stories. And one of them, turns out to be 'IRIDESCENT' the gay fic Kai told him about. Taehyun continues clicking here and there and finds out that not only is the story fully published, but has high ranks and also, can be edited. It sparked curiosity and suspicion in Taehyun that is, if Beomgyu, his dork-ish and dumbass of a boyfriend is the author of this Wattpad story that's been a hit?

"Wait a minute-" Taehyun mumbles as he starts reading a few paragraphs from a few chapters of 'IRIDESCENT'. His eyes drift along the lines of the website, and his fingers work on the mouse as he scrolls through the story.

Taehyun's eyes widen as he realizes that the story was awfully too familiar based on something;

Based on him and Beomgyu.

The golden boy of the school approaches a tsundere like boy by using steps to make the boy fall in love with him. The very first step being the use of pickup lines;

Just like how Beomgyu tried approaching and catching Taehyun's attention. It all started with pickup lines.

Taehyun continues to read, his eyebrows slowly start to furrow, his mouth left a gap, eyes still widen but the only thing not visible, is the tearing in his heart bit by bit as he continues to read the romantic scenes between the two characters in the story being awfully to similar to what he and Beomgyu did.

Their dates were similar; the food truck, bookstore date, arcades, record shop and even the ice skating date. And these are all typed down; could it be Beomgyu had been bringing him to these places just for his story because for-?

There's also a scene where the boy apologised to the tsundere for making a mistake by singing at his door; just like how Beomgyu did to Taehyun after finding out that Beomgyu was actually Wooyoung, the alias he used to send those pick up lines.

The only difference being, the boy in the story peered through the window, while Taehyun stood right in front of him at the apartment.

Taehyun suddenly feels his palm clammy, his eyes won't stop reading, it doesn't feel like he blinked, because he's just too much in a state of shock. Taehyun clicks back to see the details of the story in his drafts. The very first chapter had last been edited about 6 months; exactly around the time where Taehyun started to get to know Beomgyu.

SOMEHOW - TAEGYU ✔️Where stories live. Discover now